最终,数据会被延迟送到目的地。其结构基于此方法的网络叫做DTN(Delay-Tolerant Network,或Disruption-Tolerant Network,中断容忍网络)。 (3) 有关DTN的工作 对于DTN的工作开始于2002年,这一年IETF成立了一个关于DTN的研究组。DTN的灵感产生于在空间中发送包的想法。空间网络必须应对间歇性的通信和很长的延迟。Kevin ...
1. 延迟容忍网络 ... 摘要 延迟容忍网络的相关问题研究及仿真 摘 要延迟容忍网络(Delay-Tolerant Network) [1]是一种通用的,面向消息的, 可… wenku.baidu.com|基于4个网页 2. 延迟网路 耐延迟网路(Delay-Tolerant Network)与传统网际网路的不同点在於发送端与目的端之间不一定存在有一条点到点的资料路由...
最终,数据会被延迟送到目的地。其结构基于此方法的网络叫做DTN(Delay-Tolerant Network,或Disruption-Tolerant Network,中断容忍网络)。 (3) 有关DTN的工作 对于DTN的工作开始于2002年,这一年IETF成立了一个关于DTN的研究组。DTN的灵感产生于在空间中发送包的想法。空间网络必须应对间歇性的通信和很长的延迟。Kevin ...
In this respect, an underwater network can be viewed as a delay/disruption-tolerant network (DTN) requiring specialized communication protocols. In this chapter, we explore a number of the current DTN solutions for underwater networks and analyze their features. ...
5 Delay tolerant networks A Delay Tolerant Network (DTN), also called disruption tolerant network, joins locally connected networks using opportunistic (spontaneous) contacts and intermittent interconnectivity. Traditional routing protocols cannot be directly applied in DTNs due to the possible absence of ...
–Networkdisruptionis,essentially,unpredictabledelay.isnotsupportedimageformat MacintoshPICT 1998-2002:Definingthe“InterplanetaryInternet”•DARPA‘NextGenerationInternet’initiative –DevelopmentofanarchitectureforextendingtheInternetacrossspace •Creationofnew“DisruptionTolerantNetworking”(DTN)technologybasedon‘...
The Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) Bundle Protocol (BP) uses UniformResource Identifiers (URIs) as the basis for Endpoint and Node IDs.IDs that are encoded as alphanumeric strings can consume excessiveprecious bandwidth over constrained links, leading to a desire for ashort numeric ID format. This...
Delay Tolerant Network related projects 偏远乡村网络 Wizzy Digital Courier The Wizzy Digital Courier service provides asynchronous Internet access to schools in remote villages of South Africa. In this system, a courier on a motorbike, equipped with a USB storage device, travels from a village ...
我们把互连这些新型网络的网络叫做Delay-Tolerant Network(DTN)--延迟容忍网络。本文分析了TCP/IP应用于DTN的各种局限性,指出需要一种不同于Internet的网络体系结构。介绍了IRTF(Internet Research Task Force)正在研究的DTN的体系结构,它是一种基于消息的存储转发模式,它用持久的网络内存储设备来克服网络连接的经常断开...
High-rate Delay Tolerant NetworkOverviewDelay Tolerant Networking (DTN) has been identified as a key technology to facilitate the development and growth of future space networks. DTN is an overlay network that uses the bundle protocol to connect once disparate one-to-one links. Bundles are the pr...