SysTick timer is the source of time base. * It is used to generate interrupts at regular time intervals where uwTick * is incremented. * @note This function is declared as __weak to be overwritten in case of other * implementations
__weak HAL_StatusTypeDefHAL_InitTick(uint32_t TickPriority){/*Configure the SysTick to have interrupt in 1ms time basis*/HAL_SYSTICK_Config(HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq()/1000U);/*Configure the SysTick IRQ priority */HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn,TickPriority,0U);/* Return function status *...
this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup file (startup_stm32f0xx.s) before to branch to application main. To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to system_stm32f0xx.c file*//*Setup SysTick Timer for 1 msec interrupts. --- 1....
中断向量定义在startup_stm32f10x_hd.s文件 line77 DCD SysTick_Handler ; SysTick Handler 中断函数定义在stm32f10x_it.c lin135 /** * @brief This function handles SysTick Handler. * @param None * @retval None*/voidSysTick_Handler(void) { }...
7 * @note This function is declared as __weak to be overwritten in case of other 8 * ...
* @brief This function provides minimum delay (in milliseconds) based */ __weakvoidHAL_Delay(uint32_t Delay); /* Wait for Timeout (Time Delay). */ osStatus_tosDelay(uint32_t ticks); 可以看到HAL_Delay函数的目的是提供毫秒级别的延时,意味着当你输入HAL_Delay(500),硬件会尽量延时精确到500...
Tag:delay function STM8 Tutorial 2 – Implementing a simple delay function STM8 Series of microcontrollers, the 8-bit series of STMicroelectronics, are cheap but powerful micros which provide a good value and performance to your simple projects. The problem is, these series are not geared toward...
Does the Embedded Studio IDE provide some form of Delay function like HAL_Delay() or LLm_Delay as provided with STM32CubeMX/IDE? After adding suitable packages for the MCU I still can't find how to do this. I just want to blink an LED to get started…
/* Return function status */ return status; } //HAL 库的 SYSTICK 配置函数:文件 stm32l4xx_hal_context.c 中定义 uint32_t HAL_SYSTICK_Config(uint32_t TicksNumb) { return SysTick_Config(TicksNumb); } //内核的 Systick 配置函数,配置每隔 ticks 个 systick 周期中断一次在文件 core_cm4.h...
STM32F411RE was tested in rectifier application which included the special needs for the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) switching algorithm to the converter such as time delay and trigonometric functions. For time delay application, the Proportional (P) control was used to control the current output...