DEHNpatch Class EA Universal, space-saving combined arrester of 19 mm in width and RJ45 connection system with status indication for simple maintenance. AddDetails Equipotential bonding bar PAS EX Non-sparking equipotential bonding bars for zones 1/21 and 2/22 Also suitable for applications with hy...
DEHN can help you plan and design a reliable protection system for your project. We offer customized solutions that meet your specific needs and budget. Don't let your project fail because of a lightning strike or a power surge. Contact DEHN today and get the peace of mind you deserve. ...
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DEHN浪涌保护器,是电源的第一级保护。名 称 性 能 说 明 DEHNport 255 电源第I级保护,100 KA(10/350);装于总电源配电箱 DEHNport Maxi DEHNbridge 35A 串联型退耦分压器,I级与II级间能量配合 DEHNbridge 63A DEHNgap B 电源第I级保护,100KA(10/350),与900100或 900104配合使用,用于“3+1”方式...
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DEHNpatch Class EA Universal, space-saving combined arrester of 19 mm in width and RJ45 connection system with status indication for simple maintenance. AddDetails Equipotential bonding bar PAS EX Non-sparking equipotential bonding bars for zones 1/21 and 2/22 Also suitable for applications with hy...