老美巡警介绍他新的Dehner Boots (也就是美国摩托巡警Dehner马靴)这个家伙的身材才是老美POLICE真正的身材http://t.cn/A6tQTnBq
For over 145 years, The Dehner Company, Inc. has been making custom boots, shoes, stock boots, and other leather products. Learn more!
". It shows how to lace Dehner Bal-Laced Motor Patrol Boots and 9 eyelet Field Boots. For the 7 eyelet Field Boots, just subtract one from the top, and one from the bottom. The length of the waxed cotton laces for the bal-laced boots is about 36" / 90 cm. The boots are normally...
💎 Dehner的鞋款虽然不追求奢华的原材料和精湛的车缝工艺,但其对品质的坚持和历史的沉淀,使其在Work Boots和gentleman Shoe领域中独树一帜。🌍 尽管Riding Boots的鞋楦偏窄,但Dehner的设计始终考虑到不同脚型的需要,为亚洲人提供了更友好的选择。👀 如果你对Dehner的Jodhpur Shoes感兴趣,不妨亲自体验一番。每...
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