DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS FOR LIMIT STATE OF DEFLECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH IS:456-1978 Numerical examples of deflection of practical slabs and beams show that there is no parity of the two approaches of the code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (IS:456-1978) in regard ...
Modern codes of practice such as the Eurocode 4 [1], CNR 10016 [2] and LFRD Specification [3] recommend checking serviceability limit state of steel–concrete composite beams to ensure that functionality and durability will not be compromised during the service life. The main quantity to conside...
With the use of PET waste fiber, serviceability increased by up to 12% based on deflection limit control (L/240). The addition of 40 mm of PET fiber was found to enhance the beam stiffness by 25%. An analysis method has been proposed to predict the flexural strength of GFRP RC beams ...
Some criteria are presented for the development and use of tables and interaction diagrams for the design of reinforced concrete sections according to the limit state semiprobabilistic method, in agreement with new technical standards being published. Numerical examples are presented to clarify the method...
DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS FOR LIMIT STATE OF DEFLECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH IS:456-1978 Numerical examples of deflection of practical slabs and beams show that there is no parity of the two approaches of the code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (IS:456-1978) in regard ...
The proposed formula can also be used as a limit state function in reliability analysis to calculate the probability of failure for ACHPCBG-bridge. As the experiment models were designed by a 1:4 ratio based on 25 m prototype model, the application of the proposed method is limited to the ...
D(h) = D1α + (1 − α) 1+ 1−h 1−hc n (7) In the above, D1 represents the diffusion coefficient when h = 1.0, α is a parameter representing the ratio D0/D1, D0 is the lower limit of the diffusion ...