Initial geometric imperfection of the beam axis was introduced according to the Eurocode standard. Numerical studies have shown that the lateral deflection of slender beams under major axis bending can be relatively high. The acceptability of high values of lateral deflections within the framework of ...
Both the Eurocode 3 (EC3) [62] model and the one proposed in Eq. (8) require the prediction of K0. The mechanical models for predicting the initial stiffness generally assume that the cross-section always satisfies the plane section assumption and that, under the action of the node springs...
Eurocode 1 Actions on structures - Part 1–2: general actions - Actions on structures exposed to fire. EN 1991-1-2:2002 Eur. Comm. Stand. (September 2002) Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures - Part 1-2: General rules - Structural fire design ...
Limit stateFuzzy analysisDeformations of an I-section steel beam under equal end moments are studied in this article. Initial geometric imperfection of the beam axis was introduced according to the Eurocode standard. Numerical studies have shown that the lateral deflection of slender beams under major...
It is clearly known that, the shearstrength and deflection of the GFRP specimens forboth steel bend and FRP bend at the joint are al-most identical.• Specimens of D series both for steel and GFRPreinforced joints show the increased joint shear(a)(b)(c)(d)Figure 8.Load-deflection ...
On the basis of a characteristic (damage) rotation, calculated in accordance with Eurocode 0, the serviceability deflection limits are established to be span/300 and span/650 for the joints with FRP and steel cleats, respectively. This finding suggests that appropriate deflection limits, in ...
However, Eurocode 5 doesn't provide how to predict this deflection in case of long-term load for such structures. This can be done by studying load-displacement (P-螖) behaviour of these structures while taking into account second order effects. To reach this goal, a nonlinear analysis has ...
The Eurocode 2 model showed a better overall accuracy. Partial coefficients, for example of load increase or strength reduction, are commonly used in the design of concrete structures [8]. The partial coefficients are for correction when they are used to adapt a property-estimation formula to the...
Both the Eurocode 3 (EC3) [62] model and the one proposed in Eq. (8) require the prediction of K0. The mechanical models for predicting the initial stiffness generally assume that the cross-section always satisfies the plane section assumption and that, under the action of the node springs...
Choosing the lightest section with the Eurocodes we can achieve 26.5% of steel savings by mass, with a half of beams governed by serviceability limit states (SLS). If deflection is calculated using variable loads, the proportion of beams governed by the SLS drops to 31.1% giving additional ...