vitamin D n. Afat-solublevitaminoccurringinseveralforms,especiallyvitaminD2orvitaminD3,thatisrequiredfornormalgrowthofteethandbonesandisinvolvedinmanyothermetabolicprocesses,producedintheskinuponexposuretosunlightandpresentinfish,eggs,andfortifiedfoodssuchasmilk. ...
Vitamin D comes from the diet (eggs, fish, and dairy products) and is produced in the skin. Skin production of the active form of vitamin D depends on exposure to sunlight. Active people living in sunny regions produce most of the vitamin D they need from their skin. In less sunny clim...
Post the Definition of vitamin D to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of vitamin D on Twitter Twitter Kids Definition vitamin D noun : any of several vitamins that are needed for normal bone and tooth structure, and are found especially in fish-liver oils, egg yolk, and milk or ...
“Vitamin D3.” Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 20 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of vitamin D3 to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of vitamin D3 on Twitter Twitter Love...
"Although it has been previously reported that mushrooms have the ability to produce both vitamin D2 and vitamin D4, through our own research we were able to detect several types of vitamin Ds and provitamin Ds in mushroom samples including vitamin D3 which is also made in human skin," add...
Vitamin DImproves the absorption of calcium and phosphorous (essential in the formation of healthy bones and teeth) maintains nervous system Vitamin EA major antioxidant; supplies oxygen to blood; provides nourishment to cells; prevents blood clots; slows cellular aging ...
Lancet Diabetes & EndocrinologyReid IR. Towards a trial-based definition of vitamin D deficiency. The lancet. Diabetes & 4 5 6 7 8 9Reid IR. Towards a trial-based definition of vitamin D deficiency. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016;4(5):376-7....
vitaminized processed foods Usage(s) GOODS SERVICES Dairies do things to milk that cows never dreamed of: they pasteurize, homogenize andvitaminizeit. Synonym(s) vitaminise Bee Dictionary:Search, browse, look at common errors, idioms and more....
Vitamin D Deficiency: Definition Matters!VITAMIN D deficiencyDEFINITIONSMEDICAL careCHILD patientsIndian Pediatrics -doi:10.1007/s13312-020-2049-6Arushi YadavJogender KumarIndian Pediatrics
vitaminized also British vitaminised; vitaminizing also British vitaminising : to provide or supplement with vitamins vitaminized margarine Dictionary Entries Near vitaminize vitaminization vitaminize vitamin K See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Vitaminize.” ...