1. 'salary' Professional people such as teachers are usually paid a salary. Their salary is the total amount of money that they are paid each year, although this is paid in twelve parts, one each month. She earns a high salary as an accountant. My salary is paid into my bank account...
Salary SAL'ARY, Noun. [L. salarium; said to be from sal, salt, which was part of the pay of Roman soldiers.] The recompense or consideration stipulated to be paid to a person for services, usually a fixed sum to be paid by the year, as to governors, magistrates, settled ...
的定义 薪水 Xīnshuǐ 工作付款,根据每月或每年的固定金额。通常每周或每月支付。 示例:Sandy的年薪为12万美元,每周支付一次。所以桑迪每周约2,300美元。当你支付工资时,你通常不会得到额外的加班工作,但你经常得到其他好处。 另见: Wage版权所有 © 2017 MathsIsFun.com...
salary a form ofPAYmade to employees of an organization. A salary is similar to aWAGEpayment in that it is paid for the use ofLABOURas a factor of production. In economic terms, a salary payment differs from a wage payment in two ways: ...
Definition salaryrate (Noun) the money one makes from working. Link to this page: Add or improve a definition Word:* Part of speech: Definition:* Sample sentence: All definitions are approved by humans before publishing. Any promotional content will be deleted....
2. It is usually applied to the reward paid to a public officer for the performance of his official duties. 3. The salary of the president of the United States is twenty-five thousand dollars per annum; Act of l8th Feb. 1793; and the constitution, art. 2, s. 1, provides that the...
The meaning of SALARY is fixed compensation paid regularly for services. How to use salary in a sentence.
Salary definition: a fixed compensation periodically paid to a person for regular work or services.. See examples of SALARY used in a sentence.
The meaning of BENEFIT is something that produces good or helpful results or effects or that promotes well-being : advantage. How to use benefit in a sentence.
Define salary review. salary review synonyms, salary review pronunciation, salary review translation, English dictionary definition of salary review. salary review. Translations. English: salary review n revisione f degli stipendi. Italian / Italiano: re