Define salary range. salary range synonyms, salary range pronunciation, salary range translation, English dictionary definition of salary range. salary range. Translations. English: salary range n fascia salariale. Italian / Italiano: fascia salariale.
B. CPD salary bracket N→ categoría f salarialsalary earner N→ asalariado/a m/fsalary package N→ paquete m salarialsalary range N→ gama f de salariossalary review N→ revisión f de sueldossalary scale N→ escala f salarialsalary structure N→ estructuración f salarial Collins Spanis...
The meaning of COMBINE is to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters : merge. How to use combine in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Combine.
The meaning of PLUS is algebraically positive. How to use plus in a sentence. Using Plus as a Conjunction: Usage Guide
Salary range is the range of rates between, and including, the minimum and maximum rate currently authorized for the class; Average Monthly Compensation means the quotient determined by dividing the sum of the Employee’s then current Base Salary (as defined in Section 4.1 hereof) and the greate...
Salary range is the range of rates between, and including, the minimum and maximum rate currently authorized for the class; Normal salary means the salary that would be paid to a participating employee if that person was not participating in a Plan and includes salary expressed as an annual ra...
Salary Structure Salary Range or Pay Range Salary Survey Salary Grade Salary Breakup Salary structure is the detailed break-up of the various components of monthly salary that is offered as compensation to an employee. The essential components of salary include: ...
Learn about salary. Understand what a salary is, learn the etymology of salary, read a comparison of salary vs. hourly wage, and see different...
The median annual salary was $54,300 for real estate sales agents and $63,060 for real estate brokers in 2023, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.11However, salaries for agents can vary significantly depending on experience and location. These professionals make money primarily ...
range (rānj) n. 1. a. A number or grouping of things in the same category or within specified limits: offers a range of financial services; jobs at different pay ranges. b. An amount or extent of variation: a wide price range; the range of genetic diversity. c. Music The gamut ...