Other forms ofbigotry,intolerance, andxenophobia, such asanti-SemitismandIslamophobia, are often considered to be rooted inracism. The wordracistcan be used as a noun meaning a racist person or as an adjective meaning “of or promotingracism,” as inracist ideologyorracist comments. ...
Other forms ofbigotry,intolerance, andxenophobia, such asanti-SemitismandIslamophobia, are often considered to be rooted inracism. The wordracistcan be used as a noun meaning a racist person or as an adjective meaning “of or promotingracism,” as inracist ideologyorracist comments. ...
Related to Socialist ideology:Communist Ideology so·cial·ism (sō′shə-lĭz′əm) n. 1.Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the ...
at least in principle, and social trends have moved away from racism. Many societies have begun to combat racism by raising awareness of racist beliefs and practices and by promoting human understanding in public policies, as does theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights, set forth by theUnited ...
urban slums. Suffragist leaders, reflecting that shift in attitude, began appealing for the vote not on the principle ofjusticeor on the common humanity of men and women but on racist and nativist grounds. As early as 1894,Carrie Chapman Cattdeclared that the votes of literate, American-born,...
anti-racist anti-racketeering law antiradar antiradiation missile antiradical antiradicalism antirape antirational antirationalism antirationalist antirationality antirealism antirealist antirecession antirecovery device antired antiredeposition antireflective ...
The meaning of NATIONALISM is an ideology that elevates one nation or nationality above all others and that places primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations, nationalities, or supranational groups. Ho
More Commonly Misspelled Words How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Absent Letters That Are Heard Anyway How to Use Accents and Diacritical Marks Popular in Wordplay See All The Words of the Week - Apr. 26 ...
Ninchanese is the best way to learn Chinese. Try it forfree. Sign me up Definition ideology -ism Character Decomposition 主 = 王 + ? 义 = 乂 + ?
Colorblind racism by definition shows that when one chooses to decide that color does not exist, one chooses to ignore both the racist systems of oppression that are in place and their historical and ongoing impact. Colorblindness permits white individuals to minimize their role in racism and the...