New York”是当局说是一个种族袭击(authorities say was a racist attack).附带
When I say someone is 'Racist', what I mean is "This is a human being who is going to treat me better or worse, depending on what my skin color is." In common parlance, 'Racist' has come to mean "...
Today the word "racism" has so many contradictory meanings that it takes on the aura of a myth and is, therefore, difficult to define. The following will attempt to define racist ideology, independently of any sociological considerations. The first difficulty arises from the fact that racism is...
What is Racist?Schmitt, Richard
We should alsorecognize that not all racially objectionable actions are done froma racist motive, and that not all racial stereotypes are racist. 展开▼ 机译:“种族主义者”和“种族主义”一词已经被过度使用,以至于它们现在构成了对种族问题的理解和种族间对话的障碍。我们应该认识到一个更广泛的道德...
The meaning of WHATABOUTISM is the act or practice of responding to an accusation of wrongdoing by claiming that an offense committed by another is similar or worse; also : the response itself —called also whataboutery. How to use whataboutism in a sent
Not every racially insensitive action is a racist action. The distinct opprobrium attached to racism and racist can be retained and protected if we recognize that racism refers to racial inferiorization or racial antipathy, and that the different categorical forms of racism can all be related to ...
While a Karen may have cause to be upset, the degree to which she takes a situation is often both unwarranted and unnecessary. The things that will come out of "Karens" might be considered racist or just generally problematic. Melanie Shebel The Social Impact "Karens" Have Had While the...
The word twink refers to a young-looking man with a thin, hairless physique. Here's what to know about the origin of the term, and the different types of twink.
Representation and political enfranchisement also play a part. The post-Reconstruction era reversed political gains made by formerly enslaved African Americans. Racist laws and explicit violence leveled historical attempts to grow wealth, including the massacre of "Black Wall Street" in the Greenwood Dis...