Preterm birth is the leading cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity, as well as the most common reason for antenatal maternal hospitalization. Preterm labor is defined as regular uterine contractions associated with cervical changes (cervical dilatation ≥2 cm and effacement) that start before 37 ...
preterm Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to preterm:preterm baby,late preterm,preterm contractions,Preterm Labor pre·term (prē′tûrm′, prē-tûrm′) adj. Occurring or appearing before the expected time at the end of a full-term pregnancy:preterm labor; a preterm infant. ...
the first three months of a pregnancy may interfere with the normal formation of the baby's organs, leading to birth defects. Drugs taken later on in pregnancy may slow the baby's growth rate, or they may damage specific fetal tissue (such as the developing teeth), or cause preterm birth...
premature labor expulsion of a viable infant before the normal end of gestation; usually applied to interruption of pregnancy between the twenty-eighth and thirty-seventh weeks. preterm labor labor commencing before the end of 37 completed weeks of gestation; it can be arrested (see tocolysis) and...
Define prolabor. prolabor synonyms, prolabor pronunciation, prolabor translation, English dictionary definition of prolabor. or adj favouring an organized labour movement Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harpe
The meaning of PRETERM is of, relating to, being, or brought forth by premature birth. How to use preterm in a sentence.
Pregnant women may experience certain complications and symptoms as the fetus grows. Anemia, urinary tract infection, and mood changes may occur. An expectant mother may experience high blood pressure (preeclampsia), which increases the risk of preterm delivery and other potential dangers for the baby...
Pregnant women may experience certain complications and symptoms as the fetus grows. Anemia, urinary tract infection, and mood changes may occur. An expectant mother may experience high blood pressure (preeclampsia), which increases the risk of preterm delivery and other potential dangers for the baby...
Kathleen Walch,Forbes, 26 Oct. 2024In addition, listeria can cross the placenta, and cause miscarriage, preterm labor,sepsis, or death of the newborn.— wendy Wisner,Parents, 22 Oct. 2024See all Example Sentences forsepsis Word History ...
Whitworth Williams' views on the occurrence of labor and an international definition of a premature infant by the World Health Assembly. They describe the arbitrary formation of the definition of term gestation and discuss the new expression "late preterm."...