Preterm labor and preterm birthCihat SenDepartment of Perinatal Medicine, Cerrahpasa Medical School, Istanbul University, Istanbul, TurkeyDe GruyterJournal of Perinatal Medicine - Official Journal of the WAPM
Preterm Labor/Birth Other Names Preterm Birth Preterm Labor Premature Birth Premature Labor Preemies Low Birth Weight (LBW) babies High Risk Previous Preterm Birth Carrying more than one baby Stress, being abused (physically and mentally) Smoke cigarettes Use illegal drugs Younger than 17, older tha...
原著:《 Preterm Labor and Delivery》译著:《早产与分娩》 This splendid volume presents numerous aspects of preterm labor and delivery, from its fundamental mechanism to clinically focused approaches. The incidence of preterm delivery is 6-7% in Japan, while globally up to 10% of pregnancies with...
Almost half of all preterm births are caused or triggered by an inflammatory process at the feto-maternal interface resulting in preterm labor or rupture of membranes with or without chorioamnionitis (“first inflammatory hit”). Preterm babies have highly vulnerable body surfaces and immature organ...
If doctors say you’re not in premature labor, you can go home. Despite the popular belief,bed restdoesn't seem to help prevent preterm birth and has risks of its own. Nursing.Your little one may eat slowly and not be able to take in as much milk or formula as a full-term baby....
The effect of mode of delivery in twin pregnancies on the latency period between diagnosis of preterm labor and birthIntroduction: The optimal mode of delivery in twin pregnancies presenting with preterm labor is controversial. Current literature regarding these cases is based on observational studies,...
covering the following areas "preterm/premature" and "birth/labor" or "new- born/infant," "mortality/death," and "outcome/impairment" and used Medical Subject Headings terms when available (see Supplementary Information online for full details of search terms, dates, and inclu- sion criteria)....
The incidence of preterm birth exceeds 10% worldwide. There are significant disparities in the frequency of preterm birth among populations within countries, and women of African ancestry disproportionately bear the burden of risk in the United States. I
One potential reason is that preterm birth is a heterogeneous condition, with various clinical presentations (spontaneous preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, and medically indicated) and varied underlying pathophysiologies leading to early vs. late preterm birth. The underlying mechanisms may ...
Aim:This study examined the maternal experience of threatened abortion, threatened premature labor, or preterm birth before, during, and after the first state of emergency for COVID-19 in 2020 in Japan. Methods:This was a cross-sectional, internet-based questionnaire survey. We recruited 600 post...