The meaning of INCUR is to become liable or subject to : bring down upon oneself. How to use incur in a sentence. Incur vs. Occur
1 of 2noun ex·pense :financial burden or outlay specifically:an item of business outlay chargeable against revenue for a specific period — business expense : capital expense personal expense Note:Business expenses are generally tax deductible in the year the expense is incurred. ...
Related to incurred:incurred claims To become subject to and liable for; to have liabilities imposed by act or operation of law. Expenses are incurred, for example, when the legal obligation to pay them arises. An individual incurs a liability when a money judgment is rendered against him or...
expense Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Legal Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Expenses Costsof living or doing business. Examples of personal expenses include themortgagepayment, groceries, and gas for the car. Examples of business expenses include the cost of materials,employeesalaries, and otheroverhe...
An expense is a cost of operation that is incurred to generate revenue. It can be divided into three categories: fixed, variable, and period. All businesses have different actual expenses. Expenses are important to track and understand to stay profitable. ...
1.the act of accruing 2.something that has accrued 3.(Accounting & Book-keeping)accountinga charge incurred in one accounting period that has not been paid by the end of it Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,...
expense [ik-spens] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun cost or charge: the expense of a good meal. Synonyms:expenditure,outlay a cause or occasion of spending: A car can be a great expense. the act of expending; expenditure. expenses, charges incurred during a business assignment or trip....
accrued expense An expense incurred but not yet paid. A firm incurs certain expenses such as wages, interest, and taxes that are paid only periodically. From the time expenses are incurred until the date they are paid, expenses accrue in a firm's balance sheet. ...
1.cost; charge:the expense of a good meal. 2.a cause or occasion of spending:A car can be a great expense. 3.the act of expending; expenditure. 4.expenses, a.charges incurred during a business assignment or trip. paid as reimbursement for such charges. ...
Insurance Expensesmeans any Insurance Proceeds (i) applied to the repair of the related Leased Vehicle, (ii) released to the related Lessee in accordance with applicable law or the Customary Servicing Practices or (iii) representing other related expenses incurred by the Servicer that are not othe...