impairment lossesare incurredonlyif there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (a ‘loss event’) and that loss event (or events)hasanimpact on the ...
This has occurred mostly attheexpenseofthose whose periodic compensation was declared equal to the pension for incapacity for work,[...] 这主 要损害了那些被宣布其定期补偿等于无法工作抚恤金的人,也就是不向他们支付 任务定期补偿。
This huge increase in the number of passengers carried occurred at the expense of mainly Alitalia. Denna enorma ökning i antal transporterade passagerare har framför allt skett på bekostnad av Alitalia. EurLex-2 Benefits shall be paid by, and at the expense of, the institution ...
3.(Accounting & Book-keeping)accountinga charge incurred in one accounting period that has not been paid by the end of it Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
If no errors occurred, click Close. If the system returns an error message, the transaction status is either Obsolete or Non-Reimbursable, and the amount is a credit (negative), an auditor must change the transaction status. Click Close. If the transaction status is Applied to Expense Report...
Expense → The expense incurred is recognized on the income statement in the period in which the outflow occurred – for instance, the purchase of inventory is anticipated to cycle out within one year. In theory, the decision to capitalize the fixed asset purchase – i.e. acapital expenditure...
It's critical to keep track of bad debts that have occurred or are expected to arise so that you can plan for the future. Two methods for recording are available. The first approach is to write off bad loans as quickly as possible. The second technique is to figure out how much money...
Cumulative Net Loss Ratio means, as of any Payment Date, the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of (i) the aggregate Principal Balance of Receivables that became Defaulted Receivables plus all the Cram Down Losses (without duplication) which occurred during the period from the Cut-Off Date throu...
occurred and be continuing and (y) the results of the previous audits were complete and reasonably acceptable to the Lender, and (ii) all reasonable costs and expenses of the Lender in connection with the preparation, execution and delivery (including any requested amendments, waivers or consents...
This amount is apportioned to the items for which the expense was occurred, as applicable. When you specify the amount being paid, the amount liquidated towards each item is displayed in the Payment Breakup section. Part of the amount being paid can be retained, or treated as advance ...