The meaning of FRAIL is easily led into evil. How to use frail in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Frail.
Middle English frele, frayle, borrowed from Anglo-French frel, fraile, going back to Latin fragilis "liable to break, weak" — more at fragile First Known Use 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Time Traveler The first known use of frail was in the 14th century See more...
First recorded1300–50;Middle Englishfrayel, fraelle,fromOld Frenchfrayel;further origin unknown Discover More Synonym Study Frail,brittle,fragileimply a delicacy or weakness of substance or construction.Frailapplies particularly to health and immaterial things:a frail constitution; frail hopes.Brittleimpl...
1a :to eat or gnaw into: corrode also : fray The acid fretted the metal. b : rub, chafe The harness strap was fretting the horse. c : to make by wearing away a substance the stream fretted a channel. 2 : to cause to suffer emotional strain : vex don't you fret yourself about m...
Definitions of frazzle verb exhaust physically or emotionally “She was frazzled after the visit of her in-laws” see more noun a state of extreme exhaustion “he was worn to a frazzle” see more verb wear away by rubbing synonyms: fray see more Cite this entry Style: MLA "F...
Synonym Study Fight,combat,conflict,contestdenote a struggle of some kind.Fightconnotes a hand-to-hand struggle for supremacy, literally or in a figurative sense.Combatsuggests an armed encounter, as in war.Conflictimplies a bodily, mental, or moral struggle caused by opposing views, beliefs, et...
Try it for free as part of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app [countable, usually singular] a short period of feeling very angry to fly into a temper Some small children have terrible temper tantrums. [countable] the way that you are feeling at a particular time synonym mood ...
noun A frith. To eat up; devour. To eat into; gnaw; corrode. To wear away; fray; rub; chafe: as, to fret cloth by friction; to fret the skin. To make rough; cause to ripple; disturb; agitate: as, to fret the surface of water. To chafe painfully or vexatiously; irritate; worr...
a knife with a serrated edge see also knife-edge Oxford Collocations Dictionary (usually the edge) [singular] the point at which something, especially something bad, may begin to happen synonym brink, verge They had brought the country to the edge of disaster....
Define biliteral. biliteral synonyms, biliteral pronunciation, biliteral translation, English dictionary definition of biliteral. adj consisting of two letters Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Pu