11.To pass into a particular state, condition, or situation:fell silent; fall in love. 12.To come, as by chance:fell among a band of thieves. 13. a.To be given by assignment or distribution:The greatest task fell to me. b.To be given by right or inheritance. ...
1. A wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people. 2. Law A violent disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled for a common purpose. 3. An unrestrained outbreak, as of laughter or passions. 4. A profusion: The garden was a riot of colors ...
The meaning of RISE ABOVE is to not allow oneself to be hurt or controlled by (something bad or harmful). How to use rise above in a sentence.
by on or away): As the day wore on, we grew more discouraged. 12. wear down, a. to make or become shabbier, smaller, or more aged by wearing: to wear down the heels of one's shoes. b. to make or become weary; tire. c. to prevail upon or over by persistence; overcome: ...
by on or away): As the day wore on, we grew more discouraged. 12. wear down, a. to make or become shabbier, smaller, or more aged by wearing: to wear down the heels of one's shoes. b. to make or become weary; tire. c. to prevail upon or over by persistence; overcome: ...
Phrasal Verb: meet with 1. To experience or undergo. 2. To receive: Our plan met with their approval.Idioms: meet cute To make one another's acquaintance under unexpected and often comically adverse circumstances. Used especially of protagonists in a romantic comedy: In the movie, the ...
Phrasal Verb: meet with 1. To experience or undergo. 2. To receive: Our plan met with their approval.Idioms: meet cute To make one another's acquaintance under unexpected and often comically adverse circumstances. Used especially of protagonists in a romantic comedy: In the movie, the ...
a. To find an opening or flaw in: They couldn't break my alibi. b. To find the solution or key to; uncover the basic elements and arrangement of: break a code; break a spy ring. 15. To make known, as news: break a story. 16. To surpass or outdo: broke the league's home-...
1. To cause or permit a part of the body, especially the hand or fingers, to come in contact with so as to feel: reached out and touched the smooth stone. 2. a. To bring something into light contact with: touched the sore spot with a probe. b. To bring (one thing) into light...
4. To become introduced: Where did the two of you meet? 5. To assemble: Protesters met in the square. 6. To occur together, especially in one person or entity: Suspense and intrigue meet in this new movie. n. A meeting or contest, especially an athletic competition.Phrasal Verb: mee...