Definition of elderly personWorld Health Organization
Define Elderly people. Elderly people synonyms, Elderly people pronunciation, Elderly people translation, English dictionary definition of Elderly people. n. the last period of human life, now often considered to be the years after 65. old′-age′, adj.
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1. pl. eld·er·lies An elderly person. 2. pl. elderly (used with a pl. verb) Older people considered as a group. Often used with the: special recreational programs for the elderly. el′der·li·ness n. Usage Note: Elderly applies to the stage of life well past middle age. When ...
Free Essay: Each of us have an elderly person who we cherish and would do anything to make their lives better. Because every life should matter until the...
Britannica Dictionary definition of OLD 1 a:having lived for many years:not young He's anoldman now. a littleoldlady She was helping anold[=(more politely)elderly] woman cross the street. b—used to talk about or ask about a person's age ...
The mayor's popularity among elderly voters gives him anace in the holefor the coming election. hold all the aces :to have a strong advantage over others in a contest, competition, etc. As the strike continues into its second week, it appears that the companyholds all the acesin its neg...
"We had to leave with nothing, and all our belongings are gone. Many of the residents are elderly, so I hope the government can provide temporary shelters where people can stay comfortably," she said. FromBBC The British and US embassies have scaled down their diplomatic staff and urged the...
Elderly individuals—specifically those with Alzheimer's or dementia—are also included among individuals who may fall under a conservatorship. For conservatorships of individuals, mental capacity must be determined by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or physician with extensive experience and training to diag...