perceptions of old age have been challenged during the past few years and it is important that elderly people are not taken as a burden on society, but rather as an asset. (5,6) The health problems of the elderly are complicated by social, economic and psychological ...
It is mended that there is a great need for increasing elderly medical and social care. INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of older persons worldwide (1) and more old people are alive nowadays than at any time in history. (2) The proportion of ...
4、4), feeling depressed (OR= 1.64; 95 % CI= 1.26-2.13), advanced age, stop working and female gender. It is recommended that there is a great need for increasing elderly medical and social care. INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of older perso...
An elderly person who describes herself as in poor health, therefore, might be no less depressed in assisted -86 living ( ' , even if her children preferred it) than in a nursing home. 出自-2016年6月阅读原文 Also, being open to new ideas had no relationship to long life, which might...
Adefinitionofsuccessfulageingneedstoincludeelementsthatmattertoelderlypeople Thesubstantialincreasesinlifeexpectancyatbirth achievedoverthepreviouscentury,combinedwith medicaladvances,escalatinghealthandsocialcarecosts, andhigherexpectationsforolderage,haveledtointer- ...
World Health Organization (WHO) experts said today in their latest risk assessment that most cases in the first wave involved middle-aged or older men, but the age distribution in the new wave isn’t as skewed toward older age-groups. The mean age in the new surge of cases is slightly ...
As demographic data show quality end-of-life care has to be understood increasingly as quality care for old and very old persons. On the other hand, care for old and old-old becomes more and more a core task of palliative care. Whether an old man or women is in need for palliative ca...
In Japan they sold more diapers for the elderly than they did for babies. When families aren’t being formed, and children aren’t being born, we see a decline in faith. God designed the home to be the place that faith takes root. ...
This age cut-point is consistent with the WHO definition of younger and older adults in LMICs [39]. Data were collected using structured household and individual questionnaires administered in face-to-face interviews conducted in local languages. The individual questionnaire includes information on ...
Corrupt behavior presents major challenges for organizations in a wide range of settings. This article embraces a complexity theoretical perspective to elu