Theoretically this should be fine since the trunk is the Done branch and the definition of Done is “ releasable ”.理论上来说,这样做没有问题;因为主干是“完成”分支,而“完成”的定义就是“可发布的”。
SCRUM中DOD(Definition of Done完成的定义)下面描述的正确的是?() A. DOD完成的定义,它是不可变的 B. DOD是一个不可以被审视的列表 C. DOD是团队成员的主要状态参考依据 D. DOD是对软件有价值的活动的数据收集 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C.DOD是团队成员的主要状态参考依据 ...
每个人对这个“做完了“(Done)可能会有不同的理解。 因此,为了能够在团队内部达成对“做完了”的一致性理解,就有了Definition of Done(DoD),也就是完成的定义。只有当Story完成了DoD,才叫做完了。 举一个Story DoD简单例子: 1,编码完成 2,单元测试完成 3,集成测试完成 4,Bug已修改 5,相关文档更新完成 而且D...
(Definition of Done) 最近在拜读郑晔的10x程序员工作法,收益良多,文中提出一个概念叫DoD(Definition of Done)给我的感触颇深。这让我联想到实际工作过程中,经常遇到的扯皮、争吵等各种场景,其实就和这个DoD分不开。 一、场景描述 郑晔在文中描述了这样一种现象,相信有开发经历的人多少有同感: 老张:这有一个...
1.清晰的迭代完成标准(Definition of Done)。2.有专人对需求列表进行管理,给其排优先级,然后根据需求划分迭代周期,原…|基于17个网页 2. 完成的定义 驱动“整体上对‘完成的定义(Definition of Done)’的改进”,侦测绩效产出的显著降低,并吸引大家注意;推进团队在正确领域 … ...
Definition of DONE (at an Epic level) Acronyms As part of the preparations after the Better Unit Testing with Test Code Generation: Kick-off, we have been debating the sprint objectives, the project principles and the definition of DONE for our project. I would li...
roles, events, and it's artifacts. Apart from these terms, the one you will hear most often is the concept of "Done" . In this tutorial, we will find out what "Done" means for Scrum teams, and why it's so important. We will go through the below topics ofDefinition of Done. ...
使用优先级排序的待办事项列表,PO按顺序向团队呈现最高价值的故事。目的是让团队中的每个人都完全理解故事的意图以及故事的具体接受标准 (definition of done)。解释所有用户故事的done定义也是很有帮助的。 每个Sprint 都以Sprint Planning 会议开始,包括两个会议——WHAT会议和HOW会议。在WHAT会议中,团队从Scrum Produ...
Definition of Done 项目 2009/04/06 Your favorite agile literature probably talks about the importance of defining what done means so everybody (team and product owner if we use Scrum terms) knows what we mean when we say something is done. And having a catchy acronym to remember what ...
Improves team alignment: Because the DoD is a shared understanding of what “done” means within the context of the project, teams can more easily focus on customer requirements and deliver value with every sprint. Measures progress: Having a clear DoD allows teams to track the number of produc...