1done/ˈdʌn/ Britannica Dictionary definition of DONE past participle of1do 2done/ˈdʌn/adjective Britannica Dictionary definition of DONE not used before a noun 1 —used to say that an activity, job, etc., has ended One more question and we'redone. ...
Define done. done synonyms, done pronunciation, done translation, English dictionary definition of done. finished: all done for the day; cooked completely: Soup’s done. Not to be confused with: dun – a demand for payment Abused, Confused, & Misused Wor
done 2 of 2 adjective 1 : arrived at or brought to an end One more question and we're done. 2 : doomed to failure, defeat, or death 3 : gone by : over The day of the circus big top is done. 4 : physically exhausted 5 food : cooked sufficiently Check to see if the ...
The meaning of DONE is —also used in several varieties of English (such as African American English) typically before a past tense verb form to communicate that something (such as an action) has ended. How to use done in a sentence.
What is Definition of Done? Learn more about Definition of Done and other product management terminology in our resources library.
运用 DoD 的思维,我首先会问他我具体要做哪些事,确认好细节(相当于定义好“检查项”),然后我就知道,这个忙我能帮到什么程度。 我请别人帮忙的时候,也会很清楚告诉他,哪些事是需要他做的,尽量减少不必要的误解。 发布于 2024-05-10 17:28・IP 属地北京...
done for,Informal. tired; exhausted. deprived of one's means, position, etc. dead or close to death. done in,Informal.very tired; exhausted: He was really done in after a close race. More idioms and phrases containingdone easier said than done ...
最近在拜读郑晔的10x程序员工作法,收益良多,文中提出一个概念叫DoD(Definition of Done)给我的感触颇深。这让我联想到实际工作过程中,经常遇到的扯皮、争吵等各种场景,其实就和这个DoD分不开。 一、场景描述 郑晔在文中描述了这样一种现象,相信有开发经历的人多少有同感: ...
Dive deep into the Definition of Done (DoD) in Agile methodologies. Discover its significance, who's responsible for its creation, key examples, and its role in Scrum.
Erfahre, was die "Definition of Done" (DoD) ist und welche Rolle sie im erfolgreichen Projektmanagement spielt, um die Zusammenarbeit und die Effizienz zu verbessern.