The meaning of DOMESTICATE is to bring into use in one's own country : to bring into domestic use : adopt. How to use domesticate in a sentence.
Define domesticating. domesticating synonyms, domesticating pronunciation, domesticating translation, English dictionary definition of domesticating. tr.v. do·mes·ti·cat·ed , do·mes·ti·cat·ing , do·mes·ti·cates 1. To cause to feel comfortable
The meaning of DOMESTICATION is the act or process of domesticating something or someone or the state of being domesticated. How to use domestication in a sentence.
Define domesticise. domesticise synonyms, domesticise pronunciation, domesticise translation, English dictionary definition of domesticise. vb another word for domesticate Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harp
1.DefinitionofTranslation翻译的定义 1. Definition of Translation 翻译的定义 Down through the ages, people’s definitions of translation are diversified. It differs from person to person, it evolves with time. Changes of the world also helped to shape the connotation of translation. From the ...
domestication is a derogative term.On the basis ofVenuti'stheory,SchuttleworthandCowiein their book" Dictionary of Translation Studies"define the term of domestication in this way:“A term used byVenuti(1995)to describe the translation strategy in which a transparent,fluent style is adopted in ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication - Volume I • Charles Darwin Read full book for free! ... observation in the field, such as menageries, aquaria, vivaria, marine laboratories, the objects of which are to bring the living organism under closer and more accurate ...
whether managers can actually achieve dramatic cultural change in the short term. Culture is influenced by a complex of factors, such as the character and background of the workforce, many of which are to some extent independent of managerial action. SeeMANAGEMENT STYLE.MECHANISTIC AND ORGANISMIC,...
noun A direct perception of something in the future; presension. noun The act, especially the ceremonious act, of presenting a gift, prize, trophy, donation, or the like: as, the presentation of a medal to a fireman; the presentation of a stand of colors to a regiment; the presentation...
domestication domination donation dramatization duplication duration echolocation edification education ejaculation elaboration elation electrification elevation elimination elongation emanation emancipation embarkation emigration emulation enumeration equalization equitation equivocation eradi...