blanched; blanching; blanches Synonyms of blanch transitive verb : to take the color out of Age had blanched his hair. : such as a cooking : to scald or parboil in water or steam in order to remove the skin from, whiten, or stop enzymatic action in (such as food for freezing)...
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
This occurs during (and is the basis of the physiologic...- Darwin Blanch (born September 28, 2007) is an American tennis player. He has a career-high ATP singles ranking of world No. 892 achieved on September 23...- Blanching is a cooking process in which a food, usually a ...
The theory is that blanching (plunging vegetables into boiling water for a couple of minutes before freezing) destroys bacteria which encourage decomposition, thus affecting the frozen lifespan. "I've never had so many [...]; In the garden Cooking Heinz Beanz begins by blanching raw haricot be...
c. Exhibiting no personal worry, embarrassment, or concern: told a series of bland lies. 2. a. Dull and insipid: a bland little drama. b. Having little or no distinctive flavor: bland cooking. [Latin blandus, caressing, flattering; see mel- in Indo-European roots.] bland′ly adv. ...
Workers were blanching linen in the sun. Cooking. to scald briefly and then drain, as peaches or almonds to facilitate removal of skins, or as rice or macaroni to separate the grains or strands. to scald or parboil (meat or vegetables) so as to whiten, remove the odor, prepare for coo...
of the water breaks into small bubbles; simmering, in a covered or open pan, is commonly used to preparesoups,stews, and pot roasts. Inblanching, boiling water is poured over vegetables,fruits, or nutmeats in order to loosen the outer skin.Parblanchingor parboiling consists in immersing the...
aid in the globaltransportationand distribution of many varieties of vegetables. The goal of processing is to deter microbial spoilage and natural physiological deterioration of the plant cells. Generally, the techniques includeblanching, dehydrating, canning,freezing, fermenting and pickling, and ...
Explore the process of food preparation. Discover the various stages of food service prep and understand cooking preparation techniques with examples.
(transitive, cooking) To remove the skin of a soft fruit, such as a tomato or peach, by blanching briefly in boiling water, then transferring to cold water so that the skin peels, or slips, off easily. (obsolete) To omit; to lose by negligence. Ben Jonson And slip no advantage /...