Find the dictionary definition of strike_a_chord from Bee English Dictionary along with phonetics, audio, usages and articles related to strike_a_chord
The meaning of STRIKE is to take a course : go. How to use strike in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Strike.
to strike the hands together. to thrust forcibly: Brutus struck a dagger into the dying Caesar. to produce (fire, sparks, light, etc.) by percussion, friction, etc. to cause (a match) to ignite by friction. (of some natural or supernatural agency) to smite or blast: ...
Define strike a chord. strike a chord synonyms, strike a chord pronunciation, strike a chord translation, English dictionary definition of strike a chord. Verb 1. strike a chord - create an emotional response; "The music struck a chord with the listeners
Find the dictionary definition of strike_a_note from Bee English Dictionary along with phonetics, audio, usages and articles related to strike_a_note
The meaning of STRIKE SOMEONE'S FANCY is to appeal to someone very much. How to use strike someone's fancy in a sentence.
Define Strike Team. means a 41 person Type 2 firefighting unit consisting of 32 Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2), 6 Advanced Firefighter/Squad Bosses (FFT1), 2 Crew Bosses, Single Resource (CRWB) and 1 Strike Team Leader-Crew (STCR), of whom 40% or more have at
Define counterstrike. counterstrike synonyms, counterstrike pronunciation, counterstrike translation, English dictionary definition of counterstrike. n a retaliatory strike vb to retaliate against Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12
Definition: In business terms, a strike can be understood as a curtailment of work, due to the collective refusal of workers to work, which occurs as a response to employee grievances. It involves, dropping out of work by any number of workers, employed in a particular industry, with an ...
sympathy strike noun a strike by a body of workers, not because of grievances against their own employer, but by way of endorsing and aiding another group of workers who are on strike or have been locked out. Discover More Word History and Origins...