“Striking is leaving off work till you get your own rate of wages, is it not? You must not wonder at my ignorance; where I come from I never heard of a strike.” “I wish I were there,” said Bessie, wearily. “But it’s not for me to get sick and tired o’ strikes. This...
“Striking is leaving off work till you get your own rate of wages, is it not? You must not wonder at my ignorance; where I come from I never heard of a strike.” “I wish I were there,” said Bessie, wearily. “But it’s not for me to get sick and tired o’ strikes. This...
Nick Cafardo, Globe Staff
7What makes it striking is that it shows a thin figure with an expression of fear-the figure's mouth is wide open and letting out a powerful scream. 这幅画富有冲击力,画中有一个表情恐惧的瘦弱身影--嘴巴大张,正发出强烈的尖叫声。striking adj.惊人的;显著的※ strike v.(struck,struck)撞击;...
The education of robot umpires has been complicated by an open secret in baseball for the past 150 years: The strike zone called on the field doesn't match the one mapped out in the rule book. Before the Automated Ball-Strike System is ready for the major leagues, there has to be agre...
Planning is Just a Way of Avoiding Figuring Out What To Do Next The idea of planning and plan execution is just an intuition based decomposition. There is no reason it has to be that way. Most likely in the long term, r... RA Brooks - 《Mit Ai Lab Working Paper》...
Stay-in Strike: A type of strike, in which the employees come to the office, as usual, take their seats but do not work and also deny to leave the office premises, when asked to do so. When such an act is performed in combination, it amounts to stay-in strike. Alternately called ...
How do I create a strikethrough on a web page?To strikethrough text on a web page, wrap it in opening and closing <del> or <strike> tags or the following CSS code:.strikeit { text-decoration: line-through; }Once you've added this CSS code to the head of your web page, apply it...
Discover Flexport APIs and EDIs to speed, scale, and optimize your supply chain. Developer tools make it easy to instantly access logistics data and vital cargo and global trade documentation in the Flexport Platform or your ERP.
由“what the president can do to end the strike”可知, 句子表示“目前还不清楚总 统能做些什么来结束罢工” ,strike是名词, 意为“罢工”。 故答案为“n.罢工”。 【小题2 】 考查词性和词义。句意:他用拳头打桌 子。 由“with his fist”可知, 句子表示“他用拳头打桌 子”, struck是动词, 意...