The meaning of RIFT is fissure, crevasse. How to use rift in a sentence.
The meaning of DRIFT is the act of driving something along. How to use drift in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Drift.
v. rift·ed, rift·ing, rifts v.intr. To split open; break. To cause to split open or break.[Middle English, of Scandinavian origin.]rift 2(rĭft) n. 1. A shallow area in a waterway. 2. The backwash of a wave that has broken upon a beach.[...
a rift between two people; a rift between two nations. Synonyms: estrangement, falling-out, rupture, breach a difference in opinion, belief, or interest that causes such a break in friendly relations. Geology. a fault. a graben of regional extent. the plane or direction along which a log...
The 27th president of the United States (1909-1913), whose term was marked by antitrust activity and passage of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act (1909), which caused a rift in the Republican Party. He later served as the chief justice of the US Supreme Court (1921-1930). ...
one of the parts into which a thing is divided; section. Synonyms:segment,compartment separation by difference of opinion or feeling; disagreement; dissension. Synonyms:estrangement,alienation,rupture,disunion,rift,breach Antonyms:union,accord
Rift Valley fever:A viral disease that is acute, causes fever in domestic animals (such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and camels) and humans, and is associated with mosquito-borne epidemics during years of heavy rainfall.Rift Valley feveris more deadly than West Nile virus. ...
Wegener's theory was developed further by Harry Hess and other scientists into the theory of plate tectonics. How do you identify plate tectonics? Depending on how the tectonic plates move relative to one another, different crustal features, such as rift valleys, volcanoes, and trenches, are ...
The meaning of GAP is a break in a barrier (such as a wall, hedge, or line of military defense). How to use gap in a sentence.
1.a hole, gap, crack, slit, or other opening 2.(General Physics)physics a.a usually circular and often variable opening in an optical instrument or device that controls the quantity of radiation entering or leaving it b.the diameter of such an opening. See alsorelative aperture ...