arbitrage (redirected fromarbitraging) Thesaurus Legal Financial Encyclopedia Related to arbitraging:arbitrageurs ar·bi·trage (är′bĭ-träzh′) n. The simultaneous purchase and sale of equivalent assets or of the same asset in multiple markets in order to exploit a temporary discrepancy in pr...
Related to arbitraged:arbitrageurs ar·bi·trage (är′bĭ-träzh′) n. The simultaneous purchase and sale of equivalent assets or of the same asset in multiple markets in order to exploit a temporary discrepancy in prices.·bi·traged,ar·bi·trag·ing,ar·bi·trag·es ...
1. "Since World War I the definition of arbitrage—or 'risk arbitrage,' as it is now sometimes called —has expanded to include the pursuit of profits from an announced corporate event such as sale of the company, merger, recapitalization, reorganization, liquidation, self-tender, etc." - ...
The meaning of ARBITRAGE is the nearly simultaneous purchase and sale of securities or foreign exchange in different markets in order to profit from price discrepancies.
arbitraged;arbitraging intransitive verb :to engage in arbitrage Examples ofarbitragein a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Examples are automatically compiled from online sources to show current usage.Opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors.Send us...
What is the definition of arbitrage? Arbitrage offers a risk-free return, and it is usually applied by arbitrageurs who seek to realize an immediate profit from an asset that trades in more than one exchanges. Given that the markets are imperfect, arbitrage capitalizes on the imperfect distribut...
ARBITRAGE meaning: the practice of buying something (such as foreign money, gold, etc.) in one place and selling it almost immediately in another place where it is worth more
Many mutual funds follow proxies’ advice, so arbitragers and others should pay attention to the latter’s criteria. From Wall Street Journal It is possible most or all of the deals in question will close on their original terms and if so, arbitragers who brave the current trend and pick ...
Much arbitrage falls into the risk category. This type of arbitrage is not always completed with a sale at a higher price; it involves a risk that the price of the item being traded will fall before the trader can sell it.Risk Arbitragecame into prominence during the 1980s, when investors...
Arbitrage is a sophisticated form of risk-free, non-speculative betting. It is risk-free because it involves transactions where prices and returns are definite and evident. The markets where the items are bought and sold simultaneously guarantee their prices. ...