1.an official of a bureaucracy. 2.an official who works by fixed routine without exercising intelligent judgment. [1835–45; < Frenchbureaucrate.See-crat] bu`reau•crat′ic,adj. bu`reau•crat′i•cal•ly,adv. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionarie...
The meaning of BUREAUCRACY is a body of nonelected government officials. How to use bureaucracy in a sentence. The Roots of Bureaucracy
bureaucracy (bjʊəˈrɒkrəsɪ) n,pl-cies 1.a system of administration based upon organization into bureaus, division of labour, a hierarchy of authority, etc: designed to dispose of a large body of work in a routine manner ...
The meaning of BUREAU is writing desk; especially : one having drawers and a slant top. How to use bureau in a sentence.
BUREAUCRACY. The abuse of official influence in the affairs of government; corruption. This word has lately been adopted to signify that those persons who are employed in bureaus abuse their authority by intrigue to promote their own benefit, or that of friends, rather than the public good. The...
bureaucracy a structuredORGANIZATIONformed to achieve specified goals. The term is commonly used in a pejorative sense to refer to those organizations which appear to have an excessive number of levels in theHIERARCHY, where job roles are narrow and sharply defined and where rules are rigidly adhere...
Learn the definition of bureaucracy and its history in the United States. See how the United States bureaucracy is organized and learn the...
Being stuck in your career that you are now really kind of starting to resent because it’s not about healing people all the time, it’s about bureaucracy. FromLos Angeles Times Botswana hosts the world’s second-largest community of Zimbabweans fleeing their country’s economic woes - and...
administrative areas ruled by centrally appointed officials and developing a salariedbureaucracyin which promotion was based primarily on merit. Unlike the Qin, however, the Han adopted aConfucianideologythat emphasized moderation, virtue, and filial piety and thereby masked theauthoritarianpolicies of the...
It should be noted that this system is regulated by a central bureaucracy that must manage the many trade-related issues that come up between representatives of member nations.7 U.S. Free Trade Agreements The United States currently has a number of free trade agreements in place. These include...