1.an official of a bureaucracy. 2.an official who works by fixed routine without exercising intelligent judgment. [1835–45; < Frenchbureaucrate.See-crat] bu`reau•crat′ic,adj. bu`reau•crat′i•cal•ly,adv. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionarie...
Most people in the U.S., however, have normal levels of the vitamin and don’t need any kind of vitamin A supplementation. Too much, experts say, is toxic. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, meaning it accumulates in the body rather than exiting through urination. That is, the more vitamin A...
15. to judge as to the truth, nature, or meaning of: What do you make of that remark? 16. to estimate; reckon: I make the value at $1000. 17. to put together; form: to make a matched set. 18. to amount to; total: Two plus two makes four. 19. to provide: That book makes...
This article by Anne Wadey of the Bereavement Advice Centre seeks to identify and understand the meaning of these tasks – frequently regarded as onerous – based on the author's own experience of providing information, advice and signposting to bereaved people over a period of 20 years. Her ...
Footnote52Attempts by governments (or indeed economic scholars) to police the orthodox meaning of money, they argue, have always gone together with an increasing awareness of the ambiguity of such meanings evidenced by ‘heretical’ everyday practices not sanctioned by institutional sources or ...
The meaning of THEOCRACY is government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.
derived from the Greekholokauston, a translation of theHebrewwordʿolah, meaning a burntsacrificeoffered whole to God. This word was chosen because in the ultimatemanifestationof the Nazi killing program—theextermination camps—the bodies of the victims were consumed whole in crematoria and open...
This party of four become known as the Tetrarchy, from a Greek term meaning "rule of four" or "rulership by four". Despite the term sounding like it was some kind of council or committee making the decisions, Diocletian was still very much at the top of the hierarchy. The Split into ...
of social mobilization necessary to maintain the system: Mass armies required broad military participation of citizens in peacetime (in the form of military service) and on the mobilization of all the forces of the nation during war. Finally, the third and most important meaning referred to the ...
This shows how even in long-term shrinking cities, as Heerlen is considered, the adaptation of rigid bureaucracy and the implementation of experimental governance, is not easy. The administration was shaped by long processes and multiple people who referred citizens to one another, and it took a...