在Vue 3 中,defineExpose 是一个在 <script setup> 语法糖中用于显式暴露给模板或父组件的公共属性和方法的函数。如果你遇到了 defineExpose is not defined 的错误,可能是由以下几个原因造成的: 确认defineExpose的使用环境和版本: defineExpose 是在Vue 3.2 版本中引入的,确保你的 Vue 版本至少是 3.2。
I'm getting the error ReferenceError: defineExpose is not defined in index.md:6 after upgrading to 0.8.0. There was no error with 0.6.7. I have confirmed that the error starts with 0.7.0 and continues with 0.8.0. Here is the generated index.md ...
使用defineProps进行父子组件传值,报异常:'defineProps' is not defined,没法用,看了很多文章都说配置在vue.config.js中:我的vue-cli版本是5.0.8 ,2022-08月装的。 1 2 3 4 5 6 module.exports = { env: { "node":true, "vue/setup-compiler-macros": true } } 可是我配置进去,报没有 env 的...
Openindex.html, seevue-elements.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: defineEmits is not definedin the console What is expected? I expect it not to build or give some build-time warning without importingdefineEmits What is actually happening? It builds fine, passes all typechecks, eslint doesn't comp...
What is expected? It should work. It works in dev, so it should work in build as well. What is actually happening? It throws: index.9acc7ff5.js:1 TypeError: this.foo is not a function at Proxy.bar (index.9acc7ff5.js:9:22894) at Proxy.<anonymous> (index.9acc7ff5.js:9:23095...
Version 3.2.31 Reproduction link stackblitz.com Steps to reproduce Open repro and you should see 'hello' in the console instead of Uncaught TypeError: ce.value.hello is not a function What is expected? Methods exposed with defineExpose a...
the result is : -:devtool tell me:editor.value.setHtml is not a function editor.value object missing setHtml When not using defineClientComponent it work normally docs\.vitepress\theme\index.js config: import Editor from '../../../src/components/Editor.vue' export default { ...Defa...
Another way you might be able to test it is building the same scenario you are describing: a parent calling the method. Can you just do mount on the parent component, then interact with that however your user would to trigger the function? The parent component is not in the same repositor...