FAIL tests/expose.spec.ts > expose > access vm with <script setup> even without defineExpose() TypeError: wrapper.vm.resetCount is not a function ❯ tests/expose.spec.ts:54:15 52| expect(wrapper.vm.count).toBe(1) 53| 54| wrapper.vm.resetCount() | ^ 55| 56| expect(
Vue defineExpose() is a compiler-hint helper that is only usable inside <script setup> of a single.. 看淡了 在<script>写法中,不用通过defineExpose暴露方法供父组件调用。 具体见:defineExpose用法 发布于 2024-08-07 19:32・IP 属地广东 Vue.js ...
What is expected? It should work. It works in dev, so it should work in build as well. What is actually happening? It throws: index.9acc7ff5.js:1 TypeError: is not a function at (index.9acc7ff5.js:9:22894) at Proxy.<anonymous> (index.9acc7ff5.js:9:23095...
解释[@vue/compiler-sfc]中defineExpose的作用: defineExpose是Vue 3中引入的一个编译器宏,用于在单文件组件(SFC)中显式声明组件应该暴露给父组件的属性和方法。在Vue 3的Composition API中,组件内部的响应式状态和方法默认是私有的,不会被暴露给组件的外部。使用defineExpose可以明确指定哪些属性和方法应该被暴露,从而...
Version 3.2.31 Reproduction link Steps to reproduce Open repro and you should see 'hello' in the console instead of Uncaught TypeError: ce.value.hello is not a function What is expected? Methods exposed with defineExpose a...
使用defineProps进行父子组件传值,报异常:'defineProps' is not defined,没法用,看了很多文章都说配置在vue.config.js中:我的vue-cli版本是5.0.8 ,2022-08月装的。 1 2 3 4 5 6 module.exports = { env: { "node":true, "vue/setup-compiler-macros": true } } 可是我配置进去,报没有 env 的...
the result is : -:devtool tell me:editor.value.setHtml is not a function editor.value object missing setHtml When not using defineClientComponent it work normally docs\.vitepress\theme\index.js config: import Editor from '../../../src/components/Editor.vue' export default { ...Defa...
Another way you might be able to test it is building the same scenario you are describing: a parent calling the method. Can you just do mount on the parent component, then interact with that however your user would to trigger the function? The parent component is not in the same repositor...