1) When passing an array to a function is it "by address" or "by value". Explain what happens and what is meant by the two terms. Define the type of the following destination address 47:20:1B:2E:08:EF Define polymorphism and how is used in OOP. ...
OpenXava 3.0 5 °°° Chapter 1: Overview OpenXava 3.0 6 °°° Chapter 2: My first OX project Create a new project First open your Eclipse and make its workspace the one that comes with the OpenXava distribution. Using the appropriate Eclipse Wizard create a new Java Project named Man...
1: Describing Polymorphism Rules In your own words, describe the following: 1.What is the difference between a declared type and actual type? 2.What are the rules for invoking methods based on the a Describe four differen...