OOPS support: PHP supports OOP like Java and C++ through inheritance, data encapsulation, and polymorphism. If you know Java and C++, you will find learning PHP very convenient and easy. Compatibility with all OS: There is no need for adding extra code lines in PHP for compatibility with OS...
In this case I decided first on it as a language and wanted to evaluate whether I should commit to it as a core part of my work. After working through the basic exercises in the Rust book, I started looking at how I could evaluate it properly. The first thing I used it for was a...
broadly speaking, two ways to reduce the cost of the call. One is to directly inline the method itself, the other is to use an inline cache. Don’t worry – these are pretty simple concepts but there’s a bit of terminology involved which needs to be introduced...
My understanding of concepts I'd already nibbled on (e.g. static, inheritance, overriding and polymorphismus) is now more solid. I think I finally grasp the stack and heap story. We also did some awt and some applets, new for me, but I'm not excited about them yet. Seeing a lot...
The effect of IFN-γ polymorphism on tryptophan metabolism and therapy was studied by Myint et al., who reported that the presence of the IFN-γ CA-repeat allele 2 (homozygous) resulted in significantly lower serum tryptophan and 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid (5HIAA). In contrast, serum ...
At present, the role of insertions/deletions (indels) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in MVA non-productive infection of human cells either singly or in combination with the six major deletions remain uninvestigated. There is also no attempt to re-adapt MVA to multiply in human cells ...
Today a follow-up to my 2010 article about the meaning of the is operator. Presented as a dialog, as is my wont! I've noticed that the is operator is inconsistent in C#. Check this out: string s = null; // Clearly null is a legal value of type string boo
The constituting β sheets may further fold upon themselves, leading to a great deal of polymorphism in amyloid fibrils. Both electrostatic and Van der Waals interactions, along with the contiguous array of hydrogen bonded residues, have an essential effect in attributing structural stability to these...