takes you on a head-slamming, gut-busting tour of the underground hip-hop fightclub circuit. No blow is too low in this testosterone-spiked world featuring the music and likenesses of such def jam artists as Ghostface Killah, Redman, and Ludacris - not to mention a whole host of the nast...
英文名称:Def Jam - Fight for NY 日文名称:レスリング・格闘アクション 游戏编号:SLPM-65907...
本游戏是04年AKI和EA加拿大制作的PS2 XBOX NGC三大平台的格斗游戏,英文名是DEF JAM FIGHT FOR NY,又名纽约街头教父,06年移植到PSP上面,多一个副标题THE TAKEOVER,有新肮脏的招式和新场地,20几个新人物,人物造型也随着06年而改。都是一些说唱歌手。这游戏有武术,体操,柔道,摔角等多种格斗风格。前作是一款嘻哈...
《纽约街头教父》共有超过 40 名今日当红的嘻哈的歌手及名人参与,包括Busta Rhymes、Carmen Electra、Lil』 Kim、Ludacris、Method Man、Redman、Sean Paul、Slick Rick、Snoop Dogg 等等。 去年的Def JamVendetta是一个将Hip-Hop音乐和摔角游戏合而为一的游戏,实话实说,它的出色质量超出了任何一个人的期待。今年,E...
Def Jam Vendetta II (PS2, XBOX, Game Cube).(Brief Article)Coppa, MattRollins, Henry
Def Jam: Fight for NYis part of theDef Jamseries of hip-hop influenced fighting games published by EA. They feature the vocal talents of famous rappers and celebrities. The PS2 edition ofFight for NYhascheat codesthat unlock hidden songs in addition to secret venues and match types that can...
Def Jam Vendetta. (PS2, Gamecube).(video game review)(Brief Article)Gibson, Jon M