《纽约街头教父-制霸之道 Def Jam - Fight for NY - The Takeover》是一款由EA制作的ACT动作游戏,适用于PSP平台。游戏于2006年8月29日在美国地区上市。该游戏是Def Jam系列的一部分,以嘻哈文化和街头格斗为主题。 在游戏中,玩家将扮演一名嘻哈艺人,通过参加各种比赛和战斗来提高自己的声望和地位。游戏收录了全...
Lleve su pelea a las calles y experimente el máximo juego de peleas de hip hop en cualquier lugar a donde vaya con Def Jam® Fight For NY™: The Takeover. Gane peleas para obtener respeto mientras asciende a través de los distintos rangos, y luego escoja a su equipo para ...
“Def Jam Interactive’s first PSP title has proven to be an exciting and entertaining product,” Def Jam Enterprises marketing VP Lauren Wirtzer tellsBillboard.com. “Again, EA has developed an unparalleled title and we are confident that it will go far beyond everyone’s expectations.”...
Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover on PSP is an expanded version of the console game Def Jam: Fight for NY for the PS2, Nintendo GameCube, and Xbox. The updated game includes new fighting moves and four new venues in addition to all the features of the original version. Like the cons...
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