'global_step' ] Activity LiweiPengchanged the title deepspeed_light,py bug: 'global_step' should be 'global_steps' in _load_checkpoint() deepspeed_light.py bug: 'global_step' should be 'global_steps' in _load_checkpoint() on Mar 7, 2020 ShadenSmithadded bugSomething isn't working on ...
model,epoch,last_global_step,last_global_data_samples,**kwargs):"""Utility function for checkpoi...
Processing zero checkpoint at global_step1 Detected checkpoint of type zero stage 3, world_size: 2 Saving fp32 state dict to pytorch_model.bin (total_numel=60506624) 当你保存checkpoint时,zero_to_fp32.py脚本会自动生成。注意:目前该脚本使用的内存(通用RAM)是最终checkpoint大小的两倍。 或者,如果你...
Loss Scaling: 在FP16/混合精度训练中, DeepSpeed 引擎会自动处理缩放损失,以避免梯度中的精度损失。 Learning Rate Scheduler: 当使用 DeepSpeed 的学习率调度器(在ds_config.json文件中指定)时, DeepSpeed 会在每次训练步骤(执行model_engine.step()时)调用调度器的step()方法。当不使用DeepSpeed的学习率调度器时:...
bin Processing zero checkpoint at global_step1 Detected checkpoint of type zero stage 3, world_size: 2 Saving fp32 state dict to pytorch_model.bin (total_numel=60506624) 当你保存checkpoint时,zero_to_fp32.py脚本会自动生成。注意:目前该脚本使用的内存(通用RAM)是最终checkpoint大小的两倍。 或者,...
最后,您可以查看训练模型的效果。您可以使用TensorBoard来可视化训练指标,例如损失值和准确度: # 使用TensorBoard来查看训练效果fromtorch.utils.tensorboardimportSummaryWriter writer=SummaryWriter()# 记录训练指标writer.add_scalar('loss',loss,global_step=step)writer.add_scalar('accuracy',accuracy,global_step=step...
the batch size specified by--micro-batch-sizeis a single forward-backward path batch-size and the code will perform gradient accumulation steps until it reachesglobal-batch-sizewhich is the batch size per iteration. The data is partitioned into a 949:50:1 ratio for training/validation/test se...
This happens specifically when a) training on a large number of GPUs relative to the global batch size, which results in small per-GPU batch size, requiring frequent communication, or b) training on low-end clusters, where cross-node network bandwidth is limited, re...
We used an 8-way tensor and 35-way pipeline parallelism. The sequence length is 2048 and the global batch size is 1920. Over the first 12 billion training tokens, we gradually increased the batch size by 32, starting at 32, until we...