DeepSpeed Flops Profiler帮助用户轻松测量模型及其子模块的训练/推理速度(延迟,吞吐量)和效率(每秒浮点运算次数,即FLOPS),旨在消除现有实现中的效率低下问题。 以下是在A100 GPU上,批量大小为80的BERT-Large(NVIDIA)的示例输出: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ---DeepSpeed Flops Profiler---Profile Summary at step10:No...
0x1. 在 DeepSpeed 中使用 PyTorch Profiler做性能调试 Profile模型训练的循环 标记任意代码范围 Profile CPU/GPU的活动 Profile 内存消耗 0x2. Flops Profiler 总览 Flops 测量 多GPU,多节点,数据并行和模型并行 例子 和DeepSpeed运行时一起使用 在Megatron-LM中使用 在DeepSpeed 运行环境之外的使用方法 在模型推理中...
"MASTER_PORT":主节点的端口号,默认值29500; b)initialize 初始化分布式环境,详见上面init_distributed函数; engine:如果传入的模型不属于PipelineModule,则先初始化DeepSpeed配置(即DeepSpeedConfig),然后初始化DeepSpeed引擎(DeepSpeedHybridEngine/DeepSpeedEngine);否则,先初始化DeepSpeed配置(即DeepSpeedConfig),然后初始化Pi...
Describe the bug Currently FLOPS profiler treats expert and non-expert (but local to GPU) parameters the same and simply multiplies bymp_world_size, seehere. It should instead split the parameters in two categories: expert and non-expert (dense), thentotal_params = expert_params * ep_world_...
DeepSpeed Flops Profiler can be easily enabled through the DeepSpeed configuration file. Please refer to ourtutorial(opens in new tab)for more details. We are also under active development to add more features to the profiler. Stay connected for more exciting features...
【DeepSpeed 教程翻译】三,在 DeepSpeed中使用 PyTorch Profiler和Flops Profiler DeepSpeed结合Megatron-LM训练GPT2模型笔记(上) 【DeepSpeed 教程翻译】二,Megatron-LM GPT2,Zero 和 ZeRO-Offload 【DeepSpeed 教程翻译】开始,安装细节和CIFAR-10 Tutorial 0x0. 前言 在DeepSpeed-Chat 打造类ChatGPT全流程 笔记一 中...
Describe the bug We use the Deepspeed flops-profiler, but the result is wrong. The latency is 1000x larger than actual value and the gpu thoughput is 1000x smalller. After we checked the code and add some debug message, we found it is be...
fix #2240: wrong time unit in flops_profiler by @yzs981130 in New Contributors @cmikeh2 made their first contribution in @yzs981130 made their first contribution in
安装DeepSpeed非常简单,只需运行以下命令:pip install deepspeed。有关更多详细信息,请参阅官方文档(,也就是稍后会翻译的文档。 要在AzureML上开始使用DeepSpeed,请参阅AzureML ExamplesGitHub。这里的链接404了。
some fix in flops_profiler by @lucasleesw in fix upsample flops compute by skipping unused kargs by @cli99 in Fix broken kernel inject bug by @molly-smith in