Our innovation hub works tirelessly to deliver pioneering digital solutions. From Remote Operating Centre to artificial intelligence, we revolutionize the ocean space services. Find out more Why DeepOcean? World-leading experts and unrivaled competence ...
Our innovation hub works tirelessly to deliver pioneering digital solutions. From Remote Operating Centre to artificial intelligence, we revolutionize the ocean space services. Find out more Why DeepOcean? World-leading experts and unrivaled competence ...
when Searov Offshore was acquired by DeepOcean Group in 2017. He has held positions as Africa Technical Director and most recently as Africa Managing Director. Maxime serves the DeepOcean board with extensive knowledge of the African continent, drawing from his local experience gained over the pas...
30 million senior secured term loan facility. Both the revolving credit facility and the term loan facility have a three-year maturity extending to February 2016.Sea Technology GroupSea Technology: Worldwide Information Leader for Marine Business, Science & Engineering...
deepoceangroup.com Investors Count 1 Funding, Valuation & Revenue 1 Fundings DeepOcean'slatest funding roundwas aAcq - Fin foronNovember 25, 2016. Date Round Amount Investors Valuation Revenue Sources 11/25/2016 Acq - Fin Triton $XXM ...
英国达灵顿2012年1月26日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- DeepOcean Group Holding AS 旗下子公司 CTC Marine Projects, Ltd.(简称“CTC”或“该公司”)宣布已经完成 Kipper Tuna Turrum 项目的挖沟工作。该项目位于距澳大利亚维多利亚州海岸45公里处的 KTT 气田。
挪威海于格松2012年1月4日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- 海底工程和挖沟服务综合提供商 DeepOcean Group Holding AS(简称“DeepOcean Group”或“该公司”)今天任命 Bart H. Heijermans 为新任首席执行官,任命于2012年2月1日生效。这项声明是继最近完成的财务重组和组建新董事会之后,DeepOcean Group 的向着领先全球性海底...
挪威海于格松2012年1月18日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- DeepOcean Group Holding AS 旗下的 DeepOcean AS 宣布获得 Petroleo Brasileiro S/A ("Petrobras") E&P Services 授予的一份两年期合约,价值约为6000万美元。 合约涉及 PETROBAS 在巴西海底水域安装的挠性管子和电动液压脐带管的经营、管理、保养与维修。
DeepOcean Group is an integrated provider of comprehensive subsea engineering solutions and has a demonstrated track-record in highly-engineered, complex subsea construction projects for the oil & gas, offshore wind and telecommunication industries. The company has a capable fleet of subsea vessels, RO...
DeepOcean、Solstad Offshore和ÖstensjøGroup的合资企业Remota AS正在通过数字化控制系统实现海上作业。DeepOcean正在从Remota控制中心运行AID。 AID基于Argus Remote Systems的Rover MK2 ROV,具有升级的硬件和软件包。Argus负责AID平台和导航算法。DeepOcean负责运行中的AID的数字孪生平台、任务规划软件和实时视图,而Vaar...