挪威海于格松2012年1月18日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- DeepOcean Group Holding AS 旗下的 DeepOcean AS 宣布获得 Petroleo Brasileiro S/A ("Petrobras") E&P Services 授予的一份两年期合约,价值约为6000万美元。 合约涉及 PETROBAS 在巴西海底水域安装的挠性管子和电动液压脐带管的经营、管理、保养与维修。 这项合...
英国达灵顿2012年1月26日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- DeepOcean Group Holding AS 旗下子公司 CTC Marine Projects, Ltd.(简称“CTC”或“该公司”)宣布已经完成 Kipper Tuna Turrum 项目的挖沟工作。该项目位于距澳大利亚维多利亚州海岸45公里处的 KTT 气田。 McDermott Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd. 是该项目的承包商。
挪威海于格松2012年1月4日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- 海底工程和挖沟服务综合提供商 DeepOcean Group Holding AS(简称“DeepOcean Group”或“该公司”)今天任命 Bart H. Heijermans 为新任首席执行官,任命于2012年2月1日生效。这项声明是继最近完成的财务重组和组建新董事会之后,DeepOcean Group 的向着领先全球性海底...
Ltd. ("CTC" or the Company), part of DeepOcean Group Holding AS, has announced the completion of its trenching work for the Kipper Tuna Turrum Project in the KTT Field located 45 kilometres offshore Victoria, Australia.
Hege Jarstø joined Deepocean in 2021 as Group HR Director. Hege has over 20 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, and she understands the complexities of the human side of the business. Companies like AkerBP Asa, Det Norske Oljeselskap, Marathon Oil, Acergy, and Norsk Olje...
Make-A-Wish, OceanGate Expeditions Holding Titanic Expedition Contest(VOCM, 5 May 2022) Make-A-Wish Canada has teamed up with OceanGate Expeditions for a contest that could see someone travel to the site of the Titanic shipwreck. The winner of the Titanic Expedition Contest will get the chance...
The Titan is believed to have carried enough oxygen to last the crew 96 hours, which means it could run out Thursday morning if it hasn't already. But the co-founder of OceanGate said he was still holding out hope. "Today will be a critical day in this search and rescue mission,...
Ocean Rig and Energean Oil & Gas have join forces to participate in new deepwater bid rounds for exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons, in Greece and abroad. The two companies agreed to set up a new Joint Venture under the name "OceanEnergean", with each company holding 50% of the ...
挪威海于格松2011年12月22日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- 海底工程和挖沟服务综合供应商 DeepOcean Group Holding AS(简称“DeepOcean Group”)今天宣布与 REM Ship AS 就多用途离岸施工船 Rem Forza 签署了一份新的长期租赁协议。这只新船是 DeepOcean Group 巩固其全球领先海底服务供应商地位的战略中的重要一步。这份...