.. code-block:: console $ pip install deep-translator[docx] # add support for docx translation $ pip install deep-translator[pdf] # add support for pdf translation $ pip install deep-translator[ai] # add support for ChatGpt $ poetry add deep-translator --extras "docx pdf ai" # for po...
$ pip install -U deep-translator $ poetry add deep-translator # for poetry usage take a look at the docs if you want to install from source. Also, you can install extras if you want support for specific use case. For example, translating Docx and PDF files $ pip install deep-translator...
nidhaloff/deep-translator 版本发布时间: 2022-04-01 03:55:21 nidhaloff/deep-translator最新发布版本:v1.11.4(2023-06-29 03:59:23)What’s Changed fixed qcri and yandex (#145) @nidhaloff Bump pip from 20.2.2 to 21.1 in /docs (#112) @dependabot...
@@ -50,25 +50,26 @@ $ pip install -r requirements.txt ### 翻译器列表 | 名称| 是否需要 API Key | 是否离线可用 | 其他说明 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | google | | | | | youdao | ✔️ | | 需要`YOUDAO_APP_KEY` 和`YOUDAO_SECRET_KEY` | | baidu | ✔️ ...
只影响字体报错信息 # 第8步:构建 macOS 应用程序中途 sudo 命令需要输入开机密码授予权限 # 安装打包工具pyinstaller pip3 install pyinstaller # 删除MacOS下特有的.DS_Store文件,这些文件可能导致打包失败(中概率) sudo find ./ -name '.DS_Store' -delete # 开始打包.app应用程序 sudo pyinstaller launch....
pip install -r requirements.txt Preprocessing Data Putslowar.xmlfile intoAPP_ROOT/data/directory and run command to create train(85%) and validation(15%) datasets. python3 preprocess.py Training The--trainand--validoptions receive the path to a data file for training and validation, respectivel...
pip install -r requirements.txt Run the application: python app.py Open your web browser and navigate to: http://localhost:5000 Usage Start the application and allow camera access for real-time gesture detection. Perform sign language gestures in front of the camera. See instantaneous translation...
pip install deep-translator[ai] Note You need to require an api key if you want to use the ChatGpt translator. If you have an openai account, you can create an api key (https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys). Required and optional attributes There are two required attributes, ...
#确保python<=3.9$ python --version#克隆仓库$ git clone https://github.com/dmMaze/BallonsTranslator.git;cdBallonsTranslator#安装依赖, macOS安装requirements_macOS.txt$ pip install -r requirements.txt 如果有N卡可以安装torch-cuda启用GPU加速:
安装依赖 pip3 install -r requirements.txt # 第5步:源码运行程序,会自动下载 data 文件,每个文件在20-400MB左右,合计大约1.67GB,需要比较稳定的网络,如果下载报错,请重复运行下面的命令直至不再下载报错并启动程序 # 如果多次下载失败,也可以从 [MEGA](https://mega.nz/folder/gmhmACoD#dkVlZ2nphOkU5-2ACb...