$ pip install -U deep-translator $ poetry add deep-translator # for poetry usage take a look at the docs if you want to install from source. Also, you can install extras if you want support for specific use case. For example, translating Docx and PDF files $ pip install deep-translator...
faster-whisper是stream-translator的作者最近支持的,相比whisper,faster-whisper速度要快4倍,而显存只用不到50%(在large v2模型下)whisper和faster-whisper的对比测试: Large-v2 model on GPU ImplementationPrecisionBeam sizeTimeMax. GPU memoryMax. CPU memory ...
因此我参考吴恩达老师的反思策略写了translator_agent。 deftranslate_agent(source_text):translation_1=initial_translation(source_text)reflection=reflect_on_translation(source_text,translation_1)translation_2=improve_translation(source_text,translation_1,reflection)returntranslation_2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7...
因此我参考吴恩达老师的反思策略写了translator_agent。 deftranslate_agent(source_text):translation_1=initial_translation(source_text)reflection=reflect_on_translation(source_text,translation_1)translation_2=improve_translation(source_text,translation_1,reflection)returntranslation_2 最早的Prompt设定,经常出现几个...
python translator1.py https://www.huya.com/kpl 虎牙kpl的直播,文字转录: 还有繁体字,修改代码,繁体转简体: pip install opencc-python-reimplemented translator2.py: import argparse import sys import signal from datetime import datetime import ffmpeg import numpy as np import whisper from whisper.aud...
Microsoft Translator V3 Mime Automation (Independent Publisher) Mintlify (Independent Publisher) MintNFT (Independent Publisher) Miro (Independent Publisher) Mistral (Independent Publisher) Mitto Mobili Stotele MobilyWS MOBSIM Send SMS Mockaroo (Independent Publisher) Mockster ModuleQ [DEPRECATED] monday ...
README.md Fix merge issue Apr 19, 2023 requirements.txt Add QDQ Translator (#14) Aug 10, 2023 Repository files navigation README LicenseDeep Learning Accelerator NVIDIA DLA hardware is a fixed-function accelerator engine targeted for deep learning operations. It’s designed to do full hardware ...
test: mock allTranslatortests and move one toe2eby @ZanSara inhttps://github.com/deepset-ai/haystack/pull/4290 fix: Prevent going past token limit in OpenAI calls in PromptNode by @sjrl inhttps://github.com/deepset-ai/haystack/pull/4179 ...
cd BallonsTranslator# 第3步:创建和启用 Python 3.12 虚拟环境python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate# 第4步:安装依赖pip3 install -r requirements.txt# 第5步:源码运行程序,会自动下载 data 文件,每个文件在20-400MB左右,合计大约1.67GB,需要比较稳定的网络,如果下载报错,请重复运行下面的命令直至不...
pip install haystack-ai To use a simple RAG pipeline: from haystack import Document from haystack.document_stores import InMemoryDocumentStore from haystack.pipeline_utils import build_rag_pipeline API_KEY = "sk-xxx" # ADD YOUR OPENAI API KEY ...