喜欢读"Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition"的人也喜欢 ··· Machine Learning Design Patterns 7.5 Deep Learning for Coders with fast... 8.7 Fluent Python, 2nd Edition 9.2 动手学深度学习(PyTorch版) 9.5 Grokking Deep Learning 8.4 Bayesian Methods for Hackers 8.2 深度学习入门2...
deeplearning with pytorch下载 deep learning with python second edition,相信看到这篇文章的人都是,想必百分之九十九的都是要学习DeepLearing,Python无疑是搭建DeepLearing开发平台最好的选择,不单单是因为语法简单,使用方便,最重要的是因为他有Numpy、Theano等科
def model(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, num_iterations = 2000, learning_rate = 0.5, print_cost = False): #num_iterations-梯度下降次数 learning_rate-学习率,即参数ɑ w, b = initialize_with_zeros(X_train.shape[0]) #初始化参数w,b parameters, grads, costs = optimize(w, b, X...
PyTorch 具备 2 个特性,使得它与深度学习关联紧密。 首先,它使用 GPU 加速计算,通常比在CPU 上执行相同的计算速度快 50 倍。 其次,PyTorch 提供了支持通用数学表达式数值优化的工具,该工具用于训练深度学习模型。 请注意,这 2 个特性适用于一般的科学计算,而不只适用于深度学习。事实上,我们完全可以将 PyTorch 描...
pytorch中的基础数据结构:tensor importtorch# 生成# 其内数据的默认类型是torch.float32# 其内值可直接更改# 可直接用torch矩阵对torch矩阵赋值a=torch.ones(3)# 生成一个tensor向量 全为1torch.ones(3,3)# or torch.ones((3,3)) 生成一个3 * 3的全1矩阵torch.zeros(6)torch.tensor([1,2])torch.Fl...
Deep Learning With Pytorch Manning_部分1 星级: 300 页 Deep Learning With Pytorch Manning_部分2 星级: 222 页 Deep Learning with Python - Keras and Pytorch 星级: 169 页 The Deep Learning with PyTorch Workshop 星级: 267 页 Python Deep Learning, 2nd Edition 星级: 298 页 PyTorch Deep ...
Deep Learning with PyTorch是Vishnu Subramanian创作的计算机网络类小说,QQ阅读提供Deep Learning with PyTorch部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供Deep Learning with PyTorch全本在线阅读。
Machine learning Examples of machine learning in real life Deep learning Applications of deep learning Hype associated with deep learning The history of deep learning Why now? Hardware availability Data and algorithms Deep learning frameworks PyTorch Summary Building Blocks of Neural Networks Installing PyT...
Section 1: Building Blocks of Deep Learning with PyTorch 1.x Chapter 1: Getting Started with Deep Learning Using PyTorch Chapter 2: Building Blocks of Neural Networks Section 2: Going Advanced with Deep Learning Chapter 3: Diving Deep into Neural Networks ...