print("FLOPs: {}".format(flops(main_program))) model_size paddleslim.analysis.model_size(program) 获得指定网络的参数数量。 参数: ·program(paddle.fluid.Program)- 待分析的目标网络。更多关于Program的介绍请参考:Program概念介绍。 返回值: ·model_size(int)- 整个网络的参数数量。 示例: import paddl...
loss_contrastive.backward() optimizer.step()ifi %10 ==0 :print("Epoch number {}\n Current loss {}\n".format(epoch,loss_contrastive.item())) iteration_number+=10counter.append(iteration_number) loss_history.append(loss_contrastive.item()) show_plot(counter,loss_history) 20. Model initializa...
valid_loader=get_mnist()# Training of the model.model.train()forepochinrange(EPOCHS):forbatch_i...
Deep learning model已经在Computer Vision/ Speech Recognition/ Natural Language Processing几个领域中大放异彩; Deep learning model在Anomaly Detection问题中也已经有明显的效果; Shallow model往往学习不到复杂的特征模式,或者需要对特征进行繁琐(或是先验)的特征工程步骤处理,这种two-phase而不是end-to-end的形式往...
Modulus Makani: Experimental library designed to enable the research and development of machine-learning based weather and climate models. Earth2 Grid: Experimental library with utilities for working geographic data defined on various grids. Earth-2 MIP: Experimental library with utilities for model inte...
print("FLOPs: {}".format(flops(main_program))) model_size paddleslim.analysis.model_size(program) 获得指定网络的参数数量。 参数: program(paddle.fluid.Program)- 待分析的目标网络。更多关于Program的介绍请参考:Program概念介绍。 返回值: model_size(int)- 整个网络的参数数量。
Suite of tools for deploying and training deep learning models using the JVM. Highlights include model import for keras, tensorflow, and onnx/pytorch, a modular and tiny c++ library for running math code and a java based math library on top of the core c
Learn how deep learning works and how to use deep learning to design smart systems in a variety of applications. Resources include videos, examples, and documentation.
The second step is shaping the data from the input format into a format that the machine learning algorithm accepts. Often, this process is referred to as “data cleansing” or “data munging.” Very often this phase consumes the bulk of the time and effort in m...