Lecture 1: Introduction and Logistics 课程的目标 本课程的目标是学习现代深度学习系统,了解包括自动微分、神经网络架构、优化以及 GPU 上的高效操作在内的技术的底层原理。作为实践,本课程将实现一个 needle(deep learning library)库,类似 PyTorch。 为什么学习深度学习系统? 为什么学习?深度学习这一概念很早就存在了...
Other notesIt's important to appreciate simple and elegant modular design of modern Deep Learning frameworks. This design might seem obvious now, but back in the past it was not yet invented.Lecture 9 - Normalization and RegularizationInitializationInitialization matters a lot MNIST 50 layer network...
We present a deep learning model, PANDA, to detect and diagnose PDAC and seven subtypes of non-PDAC lesions (Methods), that is, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET), solid pseudopapillary tumor (SPT), intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN), mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN), serous cystic...
http://cs224d.stanford.edu/lectures/CS224d-Lecture11.pdf : Short notes on backprop and word embeddings http://cilvr.nyu.edu/doku.php?id=courses:deeplearning2014:start : A course by Yann Lecunn on Deep Learning taught at NYU. http://cs224d.stanford.edu/ : Course Specifically designed...
Learning Deep Architectures for AI2 CMU’s list of papers7 The Learning Machines- 一个导论性质的文章,让你大致了解深度学*是什么,用来干什么的。 Deep Learning- (Review Article in Nature, May 2015) 三大神 Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton的文章,不解释。
《A Tutorial on Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms for NLP》 介绍:CMU(ACL 2012)(500+页)面向NLP基于图的半监督学习算法. 《Arbitrariness of peer review: A Bayesian analysis of the NIPS experiment》 介绍:从贝叶斯分析NIPS,看同行评审的意义. ...
《Deep Learning: Methods and Applications》 介绍:这是一本来自微的研究员 li Peng和Dong Yu所著的关于深度学习的方法和应用的电子书 《Machine Learning Summer School 2014》 介绍:2014年七月CMU举办的机器学习夏季课刚刚结束 有近50小时的视频、十多个PDF版幻灯片,覆盖 深度学习,贝叶斯,分布式机器学习,伸缩性 ...
《MIT Machine Learning for Big Data and Text Processing Class Notes - Day 1》 介绍:Day 1、Day 2、Day 3、Day 4、Day 5. 《Getting “deep” about “deep learning”》 介绍:深度学习之“深”——DNN的隐喻分析. 《Mixture Density Networks》 ...
Some Notes on Applied Mathematics for Machine Learning 100 Best GitHub: Deep Learning 介绍:100 Best GitHub: Deep Learning 《UFLDL-斯坦福大学Andrew Ng教授“Deep Learning”教程》 介绍:本教程将阐述无监督特征学习和深度学习的主要观点。通过学习,你也将实现多个功能学习/深度学习算法,能看到它们为你工作,并学...
Jerry Hargrove - AWS Cloud Diagrams & Notes (https://www.awsgeek.com/) Cheat Sheets for Machine Learning and Data Science - by Aqeel Anwar (https://sites.google.com/view/datascience-cheat-sheets) Cheat Sheets for Machine Learning Interview Topics - by Aqeel Anwar (https://medium.com/swl...