Lecture 1: Introduction and Logistics 课程的目标 本课程的目标是学习现代深度学习系统,了解包括自动微分、神经网络架构、优化以及 GPU 上的高效操作在内的技术的底层原理。作为实践,本课程将实现一个 needle(deep learning library)库,类似 PyTorch。 为什么学习深度学习系统? 为什么学习?深度学习这一概念很早就存在了...
Paugam-Moisy, "An introduction to deep learning," ESANN, 2011.An introduction to deep learning (invited tutorial). Hollensen, Paul,Trappenberg, Thomas P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . 2015...
课程的作业其实是不公开的,但是2018年的版本Youtube有课程视频,Github上也有课程作业分享,所以我推荐看2018年的Lecture Notes和作业。 An introduction to Statistical Learning 大名鼎鼎的ESL(Elements of Statistical Learning, Data mining)的简化版,又称ISL。 选择这本书主要是因为CS229 18 年的课没有讲Tree相关的...
Deep learning Ensemble regression Robust loss functions 1. Introduction For centuries philosophers, artists, and scientists have tried to discover the mystery of beauty [1]. In fact, the beauty of the face is gaining more and more interest due to the rapid development of plastic surgery and cosm...
The purpose of this study is to identify additional clinical features for sepsis detection through the use of a novel mechanism for interpreting black-box machine learning models trained and to provide a suitable evaluation for the mechanism. We use the
concentration training; human–robot interaction; gesture recognition; deep learning 1. Introduction Attention is an important indicator of a child’s physical and mental health. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common behavioral problems in childhood, with an incidence...
financial forecast;deep learning;reproducibility;forecast comparison 1. Introduction Many researchers have been struggling for decades to understand how the markets behave [1,2,3]. Some argue that the markets are unpredictable due to the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), stating that, in the short...
Visual introduction to machine learning- decision trees ★ Andrew Ng's course on machine learning, the most popular course on Coursera ★★ Larochelle's course doesn't have separate introductory lectures for general machine learning, but all required concepts are defined and explained whenever needed...
Design for manufacture Optimisation Manufacturing constraints Hot stamping Machine learning Artificial neural network Surrogate model Implicit neural representation 1. Introduction 1.1. Industrial drive and research motivation Every year, thousands of structural components are designed and manufactured through sheet...
Lecture 24 - Machine Learning Compilation and Deployment ImplementationNotesLecture 1 - Introduction and LogisticsTODO Lecture 2 - ML Refresher / Softmax RegressionTODO Lecture 3 (Part I) - "Manual" Neural NetworksThe main point of using multi-layer Neural Networks is to automate feature construction...