由于DL的第一步不是随机初始化,而是通过学习输入数据的结构得到的,因而这个初值更接近全局最优,从而能够取得更好的效果;所以deep learning效果好很大程度上归功于第一步的feature learning过程。
Deep Learning Framework: TensorFlow or PyTorch Object Detection Libraries: YOLO, Faster R-CNN Frontend: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the user interface Backend/API: Flask or Django for handling user requests and model inference Spam Email Filter Objectives: This project can filter and classify ...
即上一层的basis组合的结果,上上层又是上一层的组合basis……(所以有大牛说Deep learning就是“搞基”,由于难听。所以美其名曰Deep learning或者Unsupervised Feature Learning) 直观上说,就是找到make sense的小patch再将其进行combine。就得到了上一层的feature,递归地向上learning feature。 在不同object上做training...
[44] Invited talk "A Tutorial on Deep Learning" by Dr. Kai Yu http://vipl.ict.ac.cn/News/academic-report-tutorial-deep-learning-dr-kai-yu
Developing a deep learning application using FPGA might sound difficult. At Aldec, we have paved the path by providing ready-to-use FPGA-based object detection solutions using CNN to our customers to kick off their project fast. In these applications, Deep Learning Processing Units (DPU) are ...
A basic CNN architecture. Classically, it is composed of two main parts. The first one, using convolution operations, performs feature learning. The features are then flattened and fed into a set of fully connected layers (i.e., a multilayer perceptron), which performs the classification or th...
Step 3: Convolutional Neural Network (Deep Learning) In this example we are going to use Convolutional Neural Network to do the handwritten classification. So, the question is why are we considering CNN, and not a traditional fully connected network? The answer is si...
《A First Encounter with Machine Learning》 介绍:这是一本机器学习的电子书,作者Max Welling先生在机器学习教学上面有着丰富的经验,这本书小但精致. 《Click Models for Web Search》 介绍:由荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学 & 谷歌瑞士著. 《Hinton CSC321课程/Deep Learning/Notes on CNN/Python/Theano/CUDA/OpenCV/......
2、训 RNN 不加gradient clipping,导致训练一段时间以后 loss 突然变成 Nan。3、tying input & output...
Mobile-deep-learning(MDL)Free and open source mobile deep learning framework, deploying by Baidu.This research aims at simply deploying CNN on mobile devices, with low complexity and high speed. It supports calculation on iOS GPU, and is already adopted by Baidu APP.Size...