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Explore deep learning books, reading lists, and resources. Topics include AI, parallel computing, accelerated data science, and more.
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Learn how deep learning relates to machine learning and AI. In Azure Machine Learning, use deep learning models for fraud detection, object detection, and more.
Chapter 4. Major Architectures of Deep Networks The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization. Frank Lloyd Wright Now … - Selection from Deep Learning [Book]
Moreover, RNNsâ ability to anticipate also makes them capable of surprising creativity. You can ask them to predict which are the most likely next notes in a melody, then randomly pick one of these notes and play it. Then ask the net for the next most likely notes, play it,...
DeepLearningBook-CN 本项目是由极视角旗下极市平台(联系人@extreme-assistant, @LaurenLuoYun)联合 AG Group(联系人@BrowningWan)组织的 Deep Learning(IAN GOODFELLOW, YOSHUA BENGIO, ARRON COURVILLE 联合编著)的开放社区中文翻译活动。 *本项目仅用于学习、研究用途,不得用于任何商业用途。如任何个人或机构将此翻...