git clone --recursive cd Deep3DFaceReconstruction 2. Set up the python environment If you use anaconda, run the following: conda create -n deep3d python=3.6 source activate deep3d conda install tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0 scipy pip install pillo...
Accurate 3D Face Reconstruction with Weakly-Supervised Learning: From Single Image to Image Set (CVPRW 2019) - Deep3DFaceReconstruction/ at master · microsoft/Deep3DFaceReconstruction
Third, we employed a custom-made pathway atlas (DBS Tractography Atlas, version 2.1; openly available from informed on previously defined pathway atlases, including the DBS Tractography Atlas, version 1 (ref. 27), and the aforementioned Basal...
Automatic Occlusion Removal from Facades for 3D Urban Reconstruction Object removal and inpainting approaches typically require a user to manually create a mask around occluding objects. While creating masks for a small numb... C Engels,D Tingdahl,M Vercruysse,... - International Conference on Adva...
Deep learning algorithms have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in various medical image analysis (MedIA) applications. However, recent research highlights a performance disparity in these algorithms when applied to specific subgroups, such as exhibiting
In the present work, we introduce a much richer video corpus, the Physical Concepts dataset ( This new dataset contains VoE probe videos targeting five physical concepts that have been identified as central in the developmental psychology literature. ...
Availability of data and materials Code for SSInfNet is available at AI: Artificial intelligence AUC: Area under the curve CNN: Convolutional neural network CT: Computerized tomography GAN: Generative adversarial network ...
Code: in new tab) According to the underlying 3D representation, there are two major types of approaches for learning-based 3D reconstruction. One usesexplicitrepresentations, e.g., point clouds and voxel grids, outpu...
Within HiFiFace, the developers used a 3D-shape-aware identity extractor to extract information about the target’s identity. In this task, unlike previous solutions, a pre-trained 3D face reconstruction model [37] is added in addition to a pre-trained network for face recognition (Curricularface...
To compile this dataset, we employed the Push Shift API ( (accessed on 26 March 2023)) to collect posts from a total of 28 subreddits, including 15 dedicated to mental health. For our study, we utilized the Push Shift API to collect posts from a ...