训练神经网络需要大量的数据,而具有真实3D面部形状的面部图像是稀缺的,文章提出一个新的deep 3D face reconstruction方法: 1. 利用鲁棒的混合损失函数进行弱监督学习,该函数同时考虑低水平和感知水平的信息进行监督 2 通过利用来自不同图像的互补信息进行形状聚合来执行多图像人脸重建。 方法快速、准确,并且对遮挡和大姿...
3D face reconstruction is the most captivating topic in biometrics with the advent of deep learning and readily available graphical processing units. This paper explores the various aspects of 3D face reconstruction techniques. Five techniques have been discussed, namely, deep learning, epipolar geometry...
3D face reconstruction is the most captivating topic in biometrics with the advent of deep learning and readily available graphical processing units. This
在深度学习的帮助下,我们终于可以处理因为遮挡和因为头部姿态旋转被挡住的部分图像,介绍cvpr2018年发表的两篇论文,《UV-GAN: Adversarial Facial UV Map Completion for Pose-invariant Face Recognition》和《Extreme 3D Face Reconstruction: Seeing Through Occlusions》。 UV-GAN是输入一张侧脸的图片后,对他进行补全,...
microsoft/Deep3DFaceReconstructionPublic Notifications Fork447 Star2.2k Files master BFM images input renderer tf_mesh_renderer .gitignore .gitmodules LICENSE SECURITY.md data_loader.py demo.py face_decoder.py inception_resnet_v1.py losses.py ...
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/Deep3DFaceReconstruction --recursive cd Deep3DFaceReconstruction 2. Set up the python environment If you use anaconda, run the following: conda create -n deep3d python=3.6 source activate deep3d conda install tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0 scipy pip install pillo...
提出了 End-to-End 3D FAce Reconstruction (UH-E2FAR)模型,利用DNN来从单张2D图像中拟合出3DMM的形状参数 本文将人脸形状分为两个子任务:身份和表情,然后通过优化两个loss联合训练。 为了表示目标人脸S,先假设我们有平均脸S_bar,然后对所有人的中性脸做pca,就可以得到身份的主成分特征。之后再通过每个人不同扫...
3D face reconstruction technology is very popular in the digital image processing area. The method of 3D face reconstruction based on single image faces many challenges such as:(i) depth information is lacked due to the input of 2D image;(ii) the statistical face model is not accurate; and(...
We address the problem of reconstructing 3D human face from multi-view facial images using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) based on deep neural networks. While recent learning-based monocular view methods have shown impressive results for 3D facial reconstruction, the single-view setting is easily affect...
3D morphable model; 3D pre-trained model; deep learning; fast 3D face reconstruction; Kinect-driven reconstruction; MRI; single image1. Introduction The patients, who are involved in facial palsy or facial transplantation, experience facial dysfunctionalities and abnormal facial motion due to altered ...