It’s vital to remember that the standard deduction was only accessible to people who chose the previous tax system; starting with the financial year 2023–24, it will also be available under the new system. Which Person is Not Qualified for the Standard Deduction? The standard deduction is ...
to the currenttax deductionregime on patent rights and rights to know-how under [...] 相聯者"的定義載於擬議新訂的第16EC(8)條,該條以該 條例第16E(4)條中相同詞句的定義為藍本,適用於有關專利權及 工業知識的權利的現行扣稅制度。
an additional allowance called "elderly residential care expenses deduction" under salaries tax, and the maximum deduction amount was $60,000. 此外, 在 1998-99 年的課稅年 度開始 ,為了 紓緩負 擔照顧 年長家 人的納稅人的負 擔 ,政府在薪 俸 稅下設立了另一項扣減項目, 名為“安...
The simplicity of calculation of standard deduction was its main advantage. It was given as a straight deduction from the income chargeable under the head salary. It did not require any disclosures, investment proofs or bills. It had put the salari...